coop small- ladies not so happy.

Im not going to mod my Hen house. they only go in their if its cold, if they want to sleep or lay. but deffs add on to the run. Thx for the advice. :thumbsup :wee
Do you live where it snows much or gets cold in the winter (as in extended periods of below zero weather)? If so, you're going to want a bigger coop, not just more room in the run. I'm in MN, and my chickens will often spend weeks (sometimes months) indoors. The pop door is always open, but they choose not to go outside. I don't see any ventilation in that coop you pictured. That's an important part of preventing frostbite.

I'm glad you recognized that that coop is too small for your birds and are willing to fix the problem. Eight chickens, huh? Maybe bantams...
Which side(s) do you have yard space to add on?
In the pic is that the clean out side? Don't want to block access to any clean out doors.

Do you need it to be tall enough to walk into or will a short add on work well?

If your coop is up against a fence or wall that limits options......

How about a chicken Chunnel to a hoop run add on?

I add things like tree branches, dedicated dusting area, an apple hung in the run and such for boredom busters.
well, I live in the northern area and our winter, fall and early spring are FRIGID. i just don't really know how to add on a coop like this...

Screenshot 2018-03-18 at 9.55.13 AM.png

we are planning on moving the location to a bigger side of the yard, so we could do a large reno. what is a chicken chunnel?
what should I do?
Since you are where it gets COLD I am wondering if.....
Walling in the run area to turn the whole structure into as coop would've an option.

I know my birds will spend days on end in the coop if weather is bad. Sadly if space inside is snug they get brutal to each other.
Also when they spend so much time inside ventilation is even more critical and much easier to achieve in a larger space.
I have seen this one. The hen house is big enough for 4, but the run could use extra. Or allow them extra time outside. My girls like to be out when I am out there as I think all chickens do. I have a smaller setup and added an extension to the front. My walk in door is on the side. Does this one have any panels that open in the run?
I also have cattle panel around their area, so they get free time as long as I am out because the top is not covered yet.
I noticed the same thing after I built the coop and have now watched the chicks and ducks. I'm going to fence the coop in and incorporate it into the run. For night time there are 3 nesting boxes and two roost bars, which I think is fine for the chickens but is throwing me for a loop with the ducks. They said they would all sleep in there, well I don't think that the ducks roost? I am now scattering to add on. This is the coop I got.
I noticed the same thing after I built the coop and have now watched the chicks and ducks. I'm going to fence the coop in and incorporate it into the run. For night time there are 3 nesting boxes and two roost bars, which I think is fine for the chickens but is throwing me for a loop with the ducks. They said they would all sleep in there, well I don't think that the ducks roost? I am now scattering to add on. This is the coop I got. View attachment 1301030
Um, not an expert on ducks, but the only ones that roost are muscovy. I have onky been researching.
I wouldn't keep ducks and chickens in the same small area like that. Ducks probably do better closer to the ground with a wider ramp if needed.

I have the same coop you posted with 4 hens. I added an extension to the front where the small door opens. I have a rope and carabiner pulkey system fashioned that is tied to a small poll to keep it opened during the day, then locked at night.

Who is "they" that said you could keep ducks and chickens in that coop? How many of each do you have?

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