coop small- ladies not so happy.

I too would not house ducks with chickens.

Especially a drake.

Male ducks (drakes) have a penis. Male chickens do not.
Female chickens can be seriously injured and even killed by amorous drakes.

Most if not all duck housing I have seen is very low to the ground.
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Um, not an expert on ducks, but the only ones that roost are muscovy. I have onky been researching.
I wouldn't keep ducks and chickens in the same small area like that. Ducks probably do better closer to the ground with a wider ramp if needed.

I have the same coop you posted with 4 hens. I added an extension to the front where the small door opens. I have a rope and carabiner pulkey system fashioned that is tied to a small poll to keep it opened during the day, then locked at night.

Who is "they" that said you could keep ducks and chickens in that coop? How many of each do you have?

TSC and another feed store. I have 4 chickens and 3 ducks.

Since you know the coop, what do I do with the ducks? There is obviously no room to put any house for them in this coop.
I too would not house ducks with chickens.

Especially a drake.

Male ducks (drakes) have a penis. Male chickens do not.
Female chickens can be seriously injured and even killed by amorous drakes.

Most if not all duck housing I have seen is very low to the ground.

What about having them in the pen together? I'm assuming it doesn't matter the time of day they might decide to rape my chickens.
What about having them in the pen together? I'm assuming it doesn't matter the time of day they might decide to rape my chickens.

If you only have female ducks it is OK to house them together.
If you aren't sure if you have a drake or are certain you have a drake separate is important.

That being said you have 7 birds in a tiny coop..... I would build the ducks a hoop coop. Then you may even have room for a kiddie pool for them.

A couple threads so you can get a visual.

They are very cost effective.
TSC and another feed store. I have 4 chickens and 3 ducks.

Since you know the coop, what do I do with the ducks? There is obviously no room to put any house for them in this coop.
You would need a different housing set up. Dog house, a low coop to ground, plus they need space to run around.
What about having them in the pen together? I'm assuming it doesn't matter the time of day they might decide to rape my chickens.
The run isn't even enough space for 4 chickens. Ducks need access to water at least enough to dunk their nares in. I don't think you have enough space for the ducks combined with chickens and should add more for your chickens unless they are bantams - you might get by with that space for bantam chickens.
I failed to mention I am adding an extended covered run. It will be about 20x20. The coop itself will only be for eating/drinking and sleeping.
well, I live in the northern area and our winter, fall and early spring are FRIGID. i just don't really know how to add on a coop like this...

View attachment 1301007
we are planning on moving the location to a bigger side of the yard, so we could do a large reno. what is a chicken chunnel?
what should I do?
If it was me I'd enclose the entire coop, make the run area part of the coop, existing coop area just for laying eggs, and/or roosting also if they want. It would give them a larger area to be active in when the weather is bad. And either build a larger permanent run or if you don't have to worry about hawks maybe put up a temporary one, could even use electro poultry netting if ground predators are a issue

That coop looks like it's probably not that heavy, you could also use it as a tractor if it's sturdy enough to move, just add a couple fold down wheels on brackets to the back and move it around every few days. I would probably just figure out how to get a couple wheels on the back and lift the front and drag it around, but for those that can't or don't want to bull it around this kit looks like it would be handy and easy.
well, I live in the northern area and our winter, fall and early spring are FRIGID. i just don't really know how to add on a coop like this...

View attachment 1301007
we are planning on moving the location to a bigger side of the yard, so we could do a large reno. what is a chicken chunnel?
what should I do?
The northern area of.... The United Staes, Canada, Mexico, a certain state? It really helps us help you if you would at least give us the state you live in. FRIGID in Minnesota has a whole different meaning than Louisiana.

If it were my setup, I'd enclose the entire run, turning it into a larger coop, and build a nice big run. Minimum recommended space for chickens is 4 square feet per bid in the coop, and 10 square feet per bird in the run. For more information on space, user Ridgerunner has an excellent article if you want to look it up.

I noticed the same thing after I built the coop and have now watched the chicks and ducks. I'm going to fence the coop in and incorporate it into the run. For night time there are 3 nesting boxes and two roost bars, which I think is fine for the chickens but is throwing me for a loop with the ducks. They said they would all sleep in there, well I don't think that the ducks roost? I am now scattering to add on. This is the coop I got. View attachment 1301030
If you can avoid it, you really don't want your chickens sleeping in the nest box. They poop in them, making a mess of the eggs.

TSC and another feed store. I have 4 chickens and 3 ducks.
Yeah, your feed store people tell you what they're told to say, so they can sell you a chicken and a cheap little coop. They either don't really know, right they are lying to you.

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