Corid: Is a maintenance dose necessary?

yep. Unfortunately, I didn't realize when I started dosing the birds that I actually needed to STOP rooster booster. We have been so hot here (99 today) that I thought they needed the electrolytes. I'm still new to all this
understandable. I’m having birds with diarrhea, one died Sat and another gravely ill but not sliding as fast as her sibling. I gave the first girl nutridrench bolus thinking dehydration. Then coccidiosis came to mind when she abruptly died and I started corid. It’s been hot but Im glad I didn’t start the whole flock on vitamins.
understandable. I’m having birds with diarrhea, one died Sat and another gravely ill but not sliding as fast as her sibling. I gave the first girl nutridrench bolus thinking dehydration. Then coccidiosis came to mind when she abruptly died and I started corid. It’s been hot but Im glad I didn’t start the whole flock on vitamins.
I'm sorry for your loss. I hope the rest of them recover soon. I'm sure the heat wave isn't helping any, either.
yep. Unfortunately, I didn't realize when I started dosing the birds that I actually needed to STOP rooster booster. We have been so hot here (99 today) that I thought they needed the electrolytes. I'm still new to all this
It wasn’t a bad thought to offer electrolytes in the heat and in any other circumstance would be a good thing!! Especially if they have loose droppings, that’s an indication of dehydration. Don’t feel too bad, we’re all learning all the time xx
I wouldn't treat for nothing. I believe the least medication is best. It's unnecessary and could possibly make cocci resistant if fed constantly. Keep them all natural to keep strong blood in your flock.
I agree 100%. People often forget that chickens are vicious predators, insectivores, and practice coprophagia. The more wild they live the healthier they are

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