Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

My wife got her second vaccination shot friday and to right now has been in bed with fluctuating fever up to 102.5 along with the usual chills headache etc. Doc said she basically has to rude it out cause anything prescribed would mess up the vaccinations. They said it's normal but should not have been this long they said 24 hours after the shot for 24hrs after that
Why would anything prescibe mess up the vaccine. Never heard that
Feeling like I’ve got pneumonia of some sort- coughing, feeling like I’m drowning, anxiety, impending doom feeling. Going to the doctor tomorrow morning at 8. Blood oxygen won’t go above 94 when I’m resting, only goes up when I walk. Monitoring it throughout tonight to make sure I don’t need to get to the ER. Doc said anything below 90% is a trip to the ER . Luckily I live with family that can take me if needed.
I just recovered from covid, thankfully I was vaccinated and boosted it was not terrible. I hope it does not hit you too bad.
I haven't been on this thread for a looooong time, but since Covid's back in my life, I'm back here again. Omicron has been playing tag-team through my family since before Christmas. It took my aunt, last week - the dearest, sweetest woman I've ever been blessed to know. My 86 yo stepdad swore he had a cold and a minor sinus infection, until my Mom caught it and had to get a Covid test before the doctor would see her ... SURPRISE! That makes eighteen of "us" in three weeks - and no one caught it from each other except two spouses and one family of four. It's everywhere, friends. PLEASE be careful!

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