Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Oh I can help you. I have lots to clean lol.
That is great getting outside and walking helps on many levels. So many people are staying inside because of Covid.
I'm so glad you have him for support.
Hes very good to me. My blood pressure isnt. Just called my dr only to get her answering service. 133/97 115 pulse. I did just eat and I hadnt eaten all day. She did say it can take some time for these pills to have an affect and she did say lots of things affect it. Just trying to relax right now. The cuff triggers my anxiety as well. Really wish my hubby was home.
Hes very good to me. My blood pressure isnt. Just called my dr only to get her answering service. 133/97 115 pulse. I did just eat and I hadnt eaten all day. She did say it can take some time for these pills to have an affect and she did say lots of things affect it. Just trying to relax right now. The cuff triggers my anxiety as well. Really wish my hubby was home.
Just reading over what I just typed. Im clearly just having an anxiety attack. I look insane :th
got my booster today

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