Time for an update!

Chance is in a full molt! Lots of beautiful new feathers coming in!
He continues to do well, making himself right at home! He is quick to come out of his pen flapping and honking with BB in the mornings, and has learned where to go when I say it's time for bed!! Big victory!!

This week I'm going to try to push him to do more grazing. He's perfectly happy to hang out around the feeder all day and eat the feed. So my plan is to let the feeder go empty for much of the day instead of having it full and free choice at all times. He doesn't have any interest in treats of any type, not even romaine! The rest of the birds however, have no problem getting his share.

Pics for you guys!
Snuggles with Mother Goose! Hides his face when he's frightened. He's really enjoying neck and chest rubs right now...getting all those old feathers off!


See all those new feathers in his breast!? Not to mention the fact he has a breast now!

Resting goose pose! I'm pretty sure his legs and balance would not have allowed this 3 weeks ago!

Also, you can see a dewlap or something has appeared on his neck the past couple days. At first, I thought it was a bee sting or something because it seemed to appear overnight, but I've checked him thoroughly, massaged the area, and for now it seems to be just loose skin. No lumps, bumps, knots....not sure if CP are supposed to have that or not. Thoughts?
They have a body temp of 107.
That's very cool to learn. :)
Thank you! Since I got the kids off to school this morning, I've had time to cater to Prince Chance.
View attachment 1898139 Took this out to him. Slurry of all flock pellet, nutridrench, vitamin B in one side, and chopped dandelions, grass, and water in the other.
View attachment 1898140 Let BB check him out for a little while and she acted like a perfect lady! Very quiet and non aggressive! I am so proud of her for keeping her bossy attitude in check!
View attachment 1898141 View attachment 1898142 View attachment 1898143 Here are the best shots I could get of his eyes. He must have enough sight to realize I'm holding a phone up to his face because he wasn't very cooperative for that! :gig:love

Love the idea of chopping the greens and putting them in the water bucket, I'm definitely going to do that. So far he's been staying in that same corner, not venturing around the rest of his area. He has found his way into the crate and hopefully feels safe there. I will sign off with this video of BB & Chance's first at first sight?? :love:love:pop
That's Chance making all the noise in the clip! Wish I spoke goose!
That's awesome! BB is very beautiful. :love
No problem, I totally understand where you guys are getting that gut feeling, and a good breeder should be able to show you pictures of the rest of the flock, maybe video, and explain the condition of any birds being sold if they are in less than top condition when they are sold.

These 2 cases did not do any of that.

Just didn't want an actually good breeder that practices bio-security to be automatically lumped in with the neglectful and possibly abusive people that sold the birds in the cases listed simply because you couldn't go see and interact with their birds.
I've got a question in regards to this. I'll be selling about 1/3 of my duck flock, and to be honest I don't want anyone coming to my house. It's already a finely balanced chaos here w/o other peoples germs making things harder. :th

If using something like CL or flyers in feed stores, do you think leaving a link to my journal here would be a good idea? it's something I'm toying with, but not sure if it might be a bad idea in any way. This will be my first time selling birds so I'm open to suggestions. :)

In reply to me being able to go to other properties, I am okay with either way. The lady I got my 1st Seramas from met me at a gas station. The next time I bought from here it was at her house, but on in the front yard, not near the flock. Given the opportunity to go on a facility tour though, I'm like a sugar spun child grinning ear to ear.

Is that elephant ear? you know it's poisonous?
I didn't know that! :eek:
Tomorrow it's Off With It's Head!!!
Video update for yall!!

That was great to see! :D
hopefully Chance is into full figures! :lol:
Chance went to bed!!!!
:yesss: Woohoo! :yesss:

Well that was quite a nice read. That's sad how Chance was kept. Some people are just disgusting. It's great he was able to find you, and you have been able to show him some love. He's a very handsome fella, and that last picture of him hiding in your shirt is priceless. I'll be following along for the rest of his journey! BB will hopefully soon realize what Chance has to offer. ;)
Sorry for the novel!
:gig:lau I'm hoping once Chamce changes into his new feathers he may start to catch her eye!

I think sharing your journals and notes on your flock with a potential buyer is a good thing. I know it would definitely make me feel more comfortable given my last experience, but then again, most of us on here seem to care more than the average about their birds & their well being. Like I said, I didn't really think anything of meeting off site, figured it was more of a personal preference since it was obviously a female, wanting to meet in a public place isn't a bad idea. And with you having the wife and kids...add in some of the characters on CL... I think I would offer to meet off site!
I never have anyone come to my home when I’ve sold any birds I do share pics and of course they get to see the birds but bio security is very important. All it takes is one person with something on their shoes or clothing. How many Runners are you selling Chris? Chance is such a handsome hunk. Doesn’t even resemble the gander you brought home. And you have grass still. It’s so dry here any green we had has turned brown:(. Leaves falling already.
:gig:lau I'm hoping once Chamce changes into his new feathers he may start to catch her eye!

I think sharing your journals and notes on your flock with a potential buyer is a good thing. I know it would definitely make me feel more comfortable given my last experience, but then again, most of us on here seem to care more than the average about their birds & their well being. Like I said, I didn't really think anything of meeting off site, figured it was more of a personal preference since it was obviously a female, wanting to meet in a public place isn't a bad idea. And with you having the wife and kids...add in some of the characters on CL... I think I would offer to meet off site!
I was thinking about leaving a link to my thread (I call it a journal) here. That way they can see them from 3 day old till current. (lol, reminds me, I should post new pictures) There is some "private" info in the, but nothing private enough to not share on the web.
How many Runners are you selling Chris?
It should only be 2 runners males, but to be honest I need to check their quackers out again.
Time for an update!

Chance is in a full molt! Lots of beautiful new feathers coming in!
He continues to do well, making himself right at home! He is quick to come out of his pen flapping and honking with BB in the mornings, and has learned where to go when I say it's time for bed!! Big victory!!

This week I'm going to try to push him to do more grazing. He's perfectly happy to hang out around the feeder all day and eat the feed. So my plan is to let the feeder go empty for much of the day instead of having it full and free choice at all times. He doesn't have any interest in treats of any type, not even romaine! The rest of the birds however, have no problem getting his share.

Pics for you guys!
Snuggles with Mother Goose! Hides his face when he's frightened. He's really enjoying neck and chest rubs right now...getting all those old feathers off!

View attachment 1917133
See all those new feathers in his breast!? Not to mention the fact he has a breast now!
View attachment 1917136
Resting goose pose! I'm pretty sure his legs and balance would not have allowed this 3 weeks ago!
View attachment 1917138

Also, you can see a dewlap or something has appeared on his neck the past couple days. At first, I thought it was a bee sting or something because it seemed to appear overnight, but I've checked him thoroughly, massaged the area, and for now it seems to be just loose skin. No lumps, bumps, knots....not sure if CP are supposed to have that or not. Thoughts?
What a beautiful boy! So glad he is doing well.
I never have anyone come to my home when I’ve sold any birds I do share pics and of course they get to see the birds but bio security is very important. All it takes is one person with something on their shoes or clothing. How many Runners are you selling Chris? Chance is such a handsome hunk. Doesn’t even resemble the gander you brought home. And you have grass still. It’s so dry here any green we had has turned brown:(. Leaves falling already.

Oh my front yard is crispy brown, wouldn't surprise me if tumbleweeds start blowing by...the only thing saving the backyard is the constant water buckets and pools being filled!

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