They pair up for life. Sometime a gander will accept two females. My 2 have been married over 7 years I know either of them would be devastated is something happened to the other one. This is geese in general not just CP. @DiYMama540 hows Chance doing?
Thank you! I am getting 4 CPG Sunday, 18 mths old. I plan to keep in a 5x8 chicken tractor for a while. How long should I do this before letting them free range with my chickens? Any advice in general? I’m SO excited!!!
5x8 for 4 of them sounds like it will be a bit cramped to be honest, any way to keep them contained in a bit larger space? Temporary fencing, plastic netting and step on posts can be a poultry keeper's best friend!
Geese aren't too picky, with plenty of space and a good diet they will thrive! Happy to hear you're getting more than one! Pleeeease post pictures when you bring them home!
Where are you located? Hoping you have a much better experience with this breeder than I had with Chance's! :fl
The tractor is only to acclimate them to me and our farm. How long will that take to learn this is home. These geese came from Denise Frye’s line, about 18 mths old. I will be staying in touch with Denise to ensure proper breeding practices. Also want eggs and meat eventually.

I can get temporary fencing but was hoping to let them eventually free range with the chickens. Wouldn’t they fly over it?

I live inLouisburg KS, 20 acre farm. Thank you for your kindness.
Probably would try to fly over may need to clip their wings a bit until you are confident they know where there home is. May take a while, and then again they may get it very quickly! And yes, eventually free range is ideal! I'm so excited for you to join in saving the CPs!! :celebrate Anxiously awaiting the pics!! :pop:love

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