I just saw that Video I'd say chance is getting typical gander tude. How did Gucci react to the treatment? My mid size mix breed got tired of being nipped on the butt and grabbed my gander by the neck once and only once I never let it happen again. And she didn't bite down thank goodness.
He is so cute with the Dane. My Buffs absolutely hate the poodles. Especially Anna. They hiss and try to pinch her through the fence. She's not allowed out with them. They also hate the miniature long-haired dachshunds, but I think they think they are like big weasels or something. They used to get really worked up and hiss and stuff. Now they mostly ignore them unless they are doing the hoppy-run thing through the grass little dogs do. They don't seem to mind Romanoff, the other standard poodle. But he also doesn't manically chase birds up and down the fence until he vomits. So there's that....
You can see the property here from a Google Satellite image. The pink lines mark out the existing pen the geese and Orpingtons share. The black line is the five foot high welded fence I put up to keep the dogs contained. If you look really closely you can see the tiny chain link fence inside the larger back yard that was there when we moved in. I close that gate on the little yard and the geese and chickens get to 'free-range' on the larger fenced in backyard most days (unlike today when it was 40 degrees and pouring down rain). When I get home I throw some hen scratch and get them all penned up and turn the dogs out onto the bigger yard to run and play. Romanoff has slipped through the small gate one time and just gently booped a few chickens with his nose, did his business and asked to be let back in. He also mysteriously teleported himself into a temporary pen I had for Golly when Georgia was broody and he was killing chickens. I looked up and he was just in the pen hanging out, eating goose poop. lol Golly didn't mind him in there at all. The little ones have followed me into the chicken pen once or twice. They are pretty nervous around them but the lure of chicken food and being nosey in general will get them to explore a bit while I'm doing stuff. If they are with me the geese don't seem to mind them as much. They've definitely lost the horrified/enraged reactions they had. Although now that I think about it, that may have been related to them being broody. That's the only time Golly ever went after me, and I'll admit I picked him up and launched him across the yard so I could make my

:lau:gig @ColtHandorf the image of the dog running the fence line till it pukes is hilarious!! So is the image of you chucking the goose and running!! :gig:lau

@Miss Lydia Gucci is scared of Chance for the most part if I'm not with her...then she largely ignores him. I'm sure if he really bit down hard there would be a problem, but so far he just nibbles. I'm keeping an eye out for anything worse! Both my dogs are so silly they mostly follow me around all day long, so I would consider most interactions to be supervised. The terrier mix we have (Doodle) gets wound up sometimes and tries to chase the birds. I'm interested to see how big a demon Chance turns into when it's breeding season. :fl I'm hoping it won't be bad....
Thank you! Trip was EXACTLY what the husband and I needed! We have 3 boys...and somehow managed to get away for the week by ourselves!! :eek: So it was fun to "date" again for a week!

Will try to get some good pics of Chance tomorrow...not sure if it's the molt or what...but he's looking quite plump these days!!:love
Whoa now. 3 boys and you got the trip to yourself? Note that's just showing off. :D
That's great you and the DH had a good trip.

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