Here's some pics of our favorite guy! He is now actively pursuing BB...he struts around her trying to show off his goods....she's still not impressed though. He's got a lot more confidence about himself. Not as afraid of the chickens anymore, and continues to pick on the dogs.

20191023_090123.jpg 20191021_105859.jpg 20191023_085351.jpg Look at that lobe!! :eek: That has just started to appear!!
20191023_085320.jpg 20191022_082543.jpg 20191022_082448.jpg So photogenic!:love
He doesn't even look like the same gosling you brought home. What a gorgeous fellow. BB will get interested in Chance come Jan or Feb when breeding starts. So for now she plays hard to get. ;) I will never forget Missy and Sam that first year Missy was ready to breed. She would throw herself on Sam it was hilarious he was not use to that being raised with Muscovy. One day they were on the ramp going up to their pool and she instigated breeding they fell off the ramp. Gosh would I have loved to get pics of that.
I'm not sure yet, I think it would be really neat to see, but I'm not sure of the demand for geese in my area. If I had some people interested in the babes I would definitely give it a shot!
Might try adding something on your state thread about gosling and see if you get interest.

*Chance Update*

So, this week has brought along some exciting turn of events!!
Chance and BB have been caught practicing for mating season on several occasions. Chance likes to spend what time he isn't eating or napping, in the pool, preening and fluffing and trying to attract his mate. BB has started to saunter over to the pool and stand close by watching him, then she gets right beside it and flattens out :eek:Chance has figured out the whole neck grabbing thing, but has not successfully climbed on top yet, that I've seen, and BB hasn't figured out it would be much easier in the pool rather than out. Something tells me they will figure it out in due time...:pop

He's still scared of my brown chickens, but continues to bully the dogs. He and Tom the drake have gotten in a couple scuffles, but nothing serious, I think it looks and sounds worse than it is.
Almost forgot...

I was checking everyone's feet the other day, and noticed Chance must have had a toenail fall off? There's still a hard brown nub where it was, and isn't swollen or anything. Not sure if it was just like a sheath coming off or what, but it was strange to find. Have yall experienced anything like that?


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