Yes I guess they catch them on things out there I have a few chickens minus nails and as long as there was no major bleeding nothing to worry about. When my Muscovy pulled her nail off and she was solid white she looked like someone had tried to butcher her her an gave up. Once I caught her an realized it was her nail it took a while to get the bleeding stopped. She did heal fine from it.
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*Chance Update*

So, this week has brought along some exciting turn of events!!
Chance and BB have been caught practicing for mating season on several occasions. Chance likes to spend what time he isn't eating or napping, in the pool, preening and fluffing and trying to attract his mate. BB has started to saunter over to the pool and stand close by watching him, then she gets right beside it and flattens out :eek:Chance has figured out the whole neck grabbing thing, but has not successfully climbed on top yet, that I've seen, and BB hasn't figured out it would be much easier in the pool rather than out. Something tells me they will figure it out in due time...:pop

He's still scared of my brown chickens, but continues to bully the dogs. He and Tom the drake have gotten in a couple scuffles, but nothing serious, I think it looks and sounds worse than it is.
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I totally missed this reply. Look how nice he has filled out no wonder BB is interested. Oh and they do such silly things like Missy will
Lay down At the water bucket with her head over the top and they will mate. I guess that water is better than none. Sometimes mine begin mating before I can set up the pool for them. If it’s still frigid out.
:lol::gigThat's exactly what BB had done a couple times...she plays beside the pool with her head over the side :confused: silly goose!!

And yes, Chance has filled out very nicely! The only feathers that didn't drop and molt are his flight feathers. Everything else is new, and semi clean!:lol:

Still breaks my heart to think of him just thrown away into a brooder tank :hit He loves the pool, running around and pretending to fly, and like all geese, screaming at the top of his lungs for no apparent reason...
With the "other birds " contest going on...I went out and got some updated pics of our main man Chance! He keeps looking better and better all the time! :love


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