Coyotes vs Wolves

I always heard that donkey's HATE coyotes and will kill one quick with a kick. I know it would be hard to have one if you don't have much land, but if you do have enough room for them, it's worth a shot. I heard from many people that they are an excellent means of dealing with coyotes.
I am in eastern NC and have heard what I think may be coyotes in the distance at sundown when I was walking our property.

When I was a kid, a dog came to our house and crapped its guts out in our front yard. Not something I would like to see again. I later found out it ws Parvo. I would not suggest spreading this disease because it would spread to domestic animals and other kids would see this happen and that would not be good.
I've also heardf that donkeys are deadly on wolves IF the wolf comes close enough. In order to be effective the donkey would need to be where the wolf wants to be- in the chicken coop/run. Not really practical. They do make loud alarm systems if a wolf appears. Unfortunately they are also loud if anything else appears. Or if they are just plain bored. It doesn't take long to get fed up with the noise that they make.....Been there (well actually, next door to a donkey owner) done that...

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