I fought a coyote over my dead rooster and lost, now it's returning every day.

This animal just isn't right. it's either got a warped killer mind or like somebody said it's a coydog. is it possible it could be rabid? not a happy thought but it occurred to me.
Hey ThatParrotLady, how are you doing, just checking in, hope you are feeling better and not having the returning problem anymore. I know it takes a while before it gets better. Just having to re home a roo still has me sad some days after two years. And I know he went to a great home. He gets to go to schools with other animals from his small farm so that children can see what real farm animals look like and interact with them. He was perfect for that, but I still miss him. Had him for 4 years. He was my first chicken, I begged my husband like a five year old for him. We had been researching keeping chickens for a number of years anyway, but I still begged. LOL
I am strongly considering live snaring it, forcing it into a large dog kennel and driving it to fish and wild life to dump on someone's desk. Aside the cattle and the cats, the neighbor one door down from me has small children and has noticed new holes around their fence trying to get into the yard the little one plays in and where their micro goats are. I told them what's going on.

I also called fish and wild life they refuse to do anything for me because it's MY problem. The snare is the best idea I've heard though since I am a lousy shot and it's just my mother and me living here, my husband has a severe heart condition at this time and cannot physically help me with anything. My mom isn't great either with labor so I am the last line of defense. Currently the girls are kept in a secondary interior yard and a massive dog kennel meant for a great dane that we repurposed until the main coop is done being painted and assembled.

Thank you Farmer Connie and Anansi. We are going to run an electrical line across the top part of the fence too because apparently 6 feet isn't enough to stop them. and when I walked the fence line, the little monster had gotten under the only part of the fence that had no rocks under the chain link.

The part about the 10AM thing that bugs me the most still is that it knew when we left for work ordinarily, it KNEW when we'd be out of the house, because I've stayed home the last few days to pay attention to it and it's always skulking during the day hours not at night and will approach the fence line and our dogs (behind the fence and btw the one dog is a rhodesian ridgeback/rotweiller mix) when it hasn't seen us for a few hours not realizing I'm watching through the blinds of my house like a mad woman hellbent on revenge for Chunk.

I am so sorry for the loss you suffered I reside in Western Washington state as well it is legal for us to kill those offenders please try a havahart then shoot it when you catch it... https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...shington-peeps.717207/page-4242#post-18817894 this is our Washington group I would like to Welcome you to also
Place a snare trap just outside of where he enters. It's ugly but when push comes to shove, end of sad story is around the corner.
hate to be that person, but snares are illegal in many places and require special permits in other places and in other places there legal with a trapping licences, (and this is coming from some one who traps) but i just don't want to see some one get in trouble with the law.

how ever here is my 2 cents, live traps suck for most animals (used to love them now after research there not that good) i have never heard of a pro trapper using a havahart on a coyote (i wanted to get a havahart style trap for yotes, but was told its a waste of money on them) not sure where you live so am not sure of the laws. here where i live we can trap coyotes any time of the year with a legal trap (as long as you have passed a humane trapping course) so i plan on getting 1 or 2 coil spring traps (not sure which ones have to talk to my trap suppiler on which ones are legal here.) but again i also trap for fur.
Many states have wildlife laws that free farmers and ranchers to exterminate an animal that is killing their livestock....this includes poultry. In our state it is even legal to shoot a hawk in the act of taking a chicken.
We use snares for beaver that are destroying trees on our creeks...even had a state wildlife trapper out to show us where and how to set them. He said snares are useful on raccoons and possum too.
Coyotes that associate humans with food begin to think humans are food...pets, livestock and children.
They usually hunt in packs and alone are cowards.
They are often cages smart because our human scent is on the trap. Boil cedar and make a spray from the steeped water. Got that tip from a friend who hunts coyote on our property.
If you should catch this coyote, kill it. do not turn it loose .there is something mentally wrong with this animal. it has a warped mind and I suspect, A Killer Instinct. it's not safe to turn it loose. it's not Humane to the environment to turn it loose. kill this thing if you can catch it. it's not a normal coyote.
Sorry it is normal coyote that is just what they do kill to eat and our chickens are high on that menu the way to stop it is kill it or it will be back
Regardless of whether we classify this coyote as normal or abnormal, he is a danger to both livestock and humans. And since there are children in the area, and he has shown he is not afraid of humans, he needs to go. Just my opinion.
I have a Great Pyrenees because they HATE foxes and coyotes. He does such good work. Electric fence is also a necessity where we live. We have a ton of both predators.
You're also going to need something better than a 22 to kill this thing easily, but it's not impossible. I would recommend going to the local field and stream and putting up an ad for someone who hunts to take care of this problem. There's no closed season on coyotes. Fur trappers could help you too. Last resort, buy a trap at the local Tractor Supply.
Your neighbor must have a gun. Has calves, farms so must have a firearm and ability to shoot it. Talk to them and point out where it frequents on edge of woods. If they keep the gun at ready for next week and you see it call them and they can take the shot.

The reason for its fearlessness is likely a mother in need of feeding pups.

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