Crazy people..what do they have against chickens?!

This is not a criminal case (so no innocent or guilty verdict), and the amount of evidence needed is considerably less in a civil suit.

Perhaps, but so far the neighbor has absoultly ZERO for proof of chickens, all because there is no chickens!
I'm not sure what the neighbor plans on presenting...she talked about chickens and posted a photo of eggs on her FB. LOL
Its just too funny what people get wound up about.
I had a neighbor call the city on me last summer cause the grass next to the sidewalk and road on my side of the street wasnt short enough.
This is not a criminal case (so no innocent or guilty verdict), and the amount of evidence needed is considerably less in a civil suit.

Perhaps, but so far the neighbor has absoultly ZERO for proof of chickens, all because there is no chickens!
I'm not sure what the neighbor plans on presenting...she talked about chickens and posted a photo of eggs on her FB. LOL
Its just too funny what people get wound up about.
I had a neighbor call the city on me last summer cause the grass next to the sidewalk and road on my side of the street wasnt short enough.

thats why I don't live near anybody
This is a lawsuit that would cost $0 to defend. Quite a bit to prosecute unless it just went to Small Claims. On the off chance the case actually got to court and is tried before a judge, the plaintiff has to at least provide some evidence that the chickens actually existed. The defendant can easily represent herself in this case and provide evidence, pictures, witnesses, etc. to refute the nonexistant case. By the way, I personally know a man who represented himself in a civil case that went all the way through to the state supreme court and he won. He didn't have a law degree or any law experience either but he did spend a fair amount of time in the local law library. This particular case wouldn't even require that.

If this case went to Small Claims, the defendant could/should file a countersuit for harrassment and ask for punitive damages. She would have an excellent chance of winning that one.
I have no use for chicken haters. What is wrong with shallow people???? I just wish I could afford to live out in the middle of nowhere.
If only people would mind their own business, it would be a better world.
I had a similar situation about 10 years ago. My new neighbor set up a makeshift coop and run with at least 20 chickens and ducks. The limit in our city is 10. His health was bad and his information worse so he never cleaned it. When the wind was from that direction--WOW. I just held my breath and shrugged it off (being a firm believer that anything short of severe cruelty beyond my fence is not my business). Well, some of the other ladies were less patient. They called animal control and he assumed I did it. To retaliate, he called about my chickens. At that time, I had 2 senior Bantam leghorn hens who free ranged the yard during the day when we were home and went into a dog crate if we left. The crate came inside at night. The officer came to the door and said there had been a complaint. I quietly led him to the back yard and showed him the tiny ladies in their crate. He looked around the yard in disbelief and said "THESE are your chickens?" He left and had a long talk with my neighbor.
Doesn't matter if you live out in the country!
We moved out here "to the country", after we had a neighbor complain about us
cooking hot dogs on a fire in our backyard in the suburbs.
I've had the police at my door TWICE in the last six months, once for a neighbor complaining about
our dog, and just today, because our ducks cross the street and they have to wait for them.
This on a road that was just paved for the FIRST time 3 years ago, and we're surrounded by farms.
I can't believe this is modern America, our forefathers must be rolling in their graves!
Wish I lived back THEN, I'd give up many conveniences for freedom!

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