Crochet "Chat"

*nod* I am ok with the scheduled c-section. There are other non-medical complications I am stressing over. DD couldn't wear her newborn stuff either pretty much after the first day. She was in 3 to 6th month stuff.

OK gang, I am beat. Headed to bed super early and hoping to sleep through the day tomorrow if possible.
Good Night! (hope you all get your cameras working for pics of eggs and more baby chicks!)
I love cochins too!! They have such unique personalities! The hen I lost recently to a hawk attack was a white cochin. She was beautiful!


Bantams are such cool chickens in general. The other bantams I have are RIR, Porcelain D'Uccle, and two other bantams that look like cochins but I'm not sure what breed they are.

This spring I'm going to get some silkies, more Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons
and some other kind of brown egg layer. Silkies are for fun.

I would also like to try my hand at Turkeys and meat birds, but one step at a time. One step at a time. *sigh*
Well DD just got done throwing up a little while ago. She is now sleeping. She woke up spewing corn
Poor girl! I think she's done throwing up now.

Working on her afghan for her birthday right now.

I tell you with these amigurumi chickens, if it's not one thing it's another!! I want to sew buttons on them for the eyes, and I can't find my pack of sewing needles!! They're really cute. Well at least I think so
Ugh! I don't like being up at 3AM!
Thanks LC! I owe you. I was able to download it, but it downloaded in a really screwed up file format, so it didn't work.

Okie, I hope DD feels better soon!

Looking forward to pics when you get them, lovemychix!

All you "getting new/more chickens" ladies are going to have me talked into wanting more soon, when all I really want to do right now is get rid of some. Except now I have this lady who wants 10 dozen eggs at a time! What the heck? She wants them all at once and not just a dozen a week, Maybe she runs a food pantry or something. I don't even get 10 dozen a week yet. But when my pullets start, I might.

Sorry, it's 3AM, waiting for allergy meds to kick in so I can try to go back to sleep, so I am just babbling at you all.
Hope you are all having pleasant dreams!
She woke up spewing corn

LOL!!! Funny, but not, sorry for laughing but your phrasing was hilarious!!

I love those fart eggs!

I think I had 3 in one week last year, so funny!! No yolks in mine, we cracked them to see. Yesterday I had 6 eggs from 10 hens but the past few nights, even 4 ago when I figure these eggs were starting, they should have been pretty warm during the cold night so they should leave me 4 or 5 today. Not bad for nearly 2 year old hens. I think the most I ever get anymore from all of them is a 7 or 8 day and those are after days of nearly perfect weather. I feed them like little princesses all the time so the feed is not a factor in the numbers for mine, it's a constant, the weather is the variable for me..well, that and age I guess. Anyway, proud of the 6 yesterday!

hopefully the crane will get a sun glint off that fishing line and head elsewhere today!!!
He has not eaten any koi at all, they have been on the bottom totally dormant since about november, the goldfish, however, have been up and moving around some for the past 6 weeks or so, they like the sun warmed water near the top so they are what he was eating....flying pig.

Have a great day ya'll!!​
I got it but I don't know why my software was doing that!

The black is my plymouth barred rock pullet and the other too are bantams with feathered feet. I am guessing cochins. And that is fine with me. I have 5 other standard/giant cochins and they are lovely. I love their feathering. And yes my addiction is under control for the time being.
There has to be an end to the chicks someday.

I had to work very hard to convince hubby we needed these little ones.
He thinks I'm crazy, but I don't know why he cares he doesn't break ice every morning at 6 am. He just tries to be a bossy bully.

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Yeah... I got one of those too!!
We just got some chicks.. Poor mites! They were delayed a day by weather and outta 35 (38 w/ free chicks) I have 10.. Rest will be replaced, hopefully when it's warmer!
Take pics when DH returns the camera!

SE I sure hope
that crane sees the CLOSED sign that you put on the sushi bar.
Poor fish Good Luck SE

Lovemychix cute babies sooo glad ya got the software straightened out. That stuff sure can make ya
. It was nice to talk to you over the phone yesterday, I enjoyed it

Rocket ya know if ya go to bed at 7:30 you may just wake up at 3 or 4 am. Sure hope this is not the waking hours you're gona have with the baby.

Okie I sure hope DD wakes up feeling ok this morning. Not fun having a sick child

Have a Great Day

I went to bed at 7:30 but I ended up reading til like 10. I get up at least 6 times a night to go to the bathroom anyway. Last night I was only up because my allergies chose that time to attack me. I am lovin' my allergy meds this morning. Woo hoo! And it means I can be a lump today if I want.

Good morning everyone. I will be a lurky lump today.

Good luck with that naughty crane, SE. If you can catch him on film, it would be entertaining.

Hope DD is feeling better Okie.

Oh and thanks Chix for the avatar compliment. It's my favorite so far too. And congrats on the little fuzzy butts. they are soooo cute!

(eta: I think my avatar goes very well with my username. risu is squirrel (as you all might remember) in japanese and this guy sure seems like he's gonna rocket off somewhere.
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