Crochet "Chat"

Thanks for your concerns for my mother Baustin and Jen. She is prolly going to be sent home today. They have finally decided the problem is she needs her gaul bladder out cuz there is a huge stone in there that I saw myself in the ultrasound. She is going to wait till Oct. to have the surgery cuz that is when her school is having their fall break.

Baustin so sorry you lost Bonnie. I always take it hard when I lose a pet.

Jen I was just wondering how your broody was doing last night. It is prolly a good thing you wont be home when they hatch if you are anything like me. I can't leave them alone. Keep poking my head in the box and trying to see if there are any chicks yet.
I am upset with my hens. Really it is my fault. Since we had to take part of their yard fence down to get the shower unit in the hole we cut in our bathroom wall, remodeling our bathroom by the way, my hens have been 100% free range now and have started laying their eggs somewhere else. I looked for 2 hours yesterday and found nothing. I am guessing they are putting them down in the gully that has really tall grass growing down there. I told DH he was going to get that fence back up today or else.
I know my hens have been enjoying it. Normally I don't let them roam everywhere until after 4pm. I only got 5 eggs out of 25 hens.
Glad your momma's ok and hope they surgery goes well in Oct. too

My broody is doing great
shes in her own area inside the coop with food, water and space to walk around if she chooses too, I really dont bother her, I'll just look at through the chicken wire, lol. I havent tried to candle... dont really know what I would be doing anyways. This Wed. will be 2 weeks she has been sitting... think I already told you that, lol If I was going to be home I would be sitting there all day long, when I do get home I'm running to the coop with my camera!!! I think more of my BO's want to be broody but I cant let them, cant have a bunch of baby chickies at one time, even though I would love it! Thats stinks about your chickens laying their eggs somewhere else, I'm always scared about that but so far so good, I think everyone is coming back to the coop to lay... I've gotten 18 eggs so far today and there was 8 girls sitting on eggs thinking they are going to be broody, not if I can help it, lol

Good News - We got 23 eggs yesterday... most so far!

Bad News - We lost our 1st chicken yesterday, it was sad! I let the chickens out of their run to free ranging as usual, a bit later my husband heard them all going crazy, he went out to check on them and there was a dog out there casing them and it had killed a BO pullet!!! He threw a stick at the dog and chased it away, it took off down the road.... I'm not going to let them free range and see if that stinking dog comes back... makes me soooo mad! People need to keep their dogs in their own yards! We live in the country, so I dont know whos dog it is.......
Jen, sorry about your chick. I would love to free range my girls, but I'm afraid for the same reason...neighborhood dogs...they're sweet for the most part...but I wouldn't want to tempt them. We keep our "bird" dogs contained (invisible fantastic) & the chicks are where they can't see them, but I wouldn't trust them either. Plus we have a ton of hawks.
Aww Jen that always makes me so angry when a dog kills a chicken. For me it is worse than a coon or other predator cuz at least the predator was just trying to survive. The dog was just being a dumb dog. I would be waiting with a gun to make sure he never was a problem again. Sorry you lost your chicken.
So sorry Jen. I have had some dogs come into my yard and when I find the owners I make it clear that they may not see their dog again if it is my yard again.
I'm a bit grouchy when it comes to my chickas.
Thanks Guys... I am thankful that it was only one chicken, just think if Dh wasnt home, could have been all of them! I made them stay in the run today and they did not like that, lol. That dog didnt come back.... yet. Maybe it got hit by a car on its way back home yesterday........... well I know its not the dogs fault, its the stupid owners fault!
This place seems really dead lately.

I have to share my news anyway!! I am so excited!!

I know it might sound silly to some but today I was cleaning out my junk room that has been ignored for at least the past 2 years since my son was born but today I was really brave and started to tackle it. I came across this really big tub that I always thought was full of fall decorations cuz there were orange leaves sticking out of it. Apperantly it was so full the top wouldn't fit down all the way. Anyway since it is fall I figured I would pull the leaves out and put them out for fall and under them were (I don't know how many yet) several several skeins of yarn!!! Whoo Hoooo!!! Even though that yarn was always mine and I did pay for it at some point, I feel like I just got a really big tub of yarn for free!!
I always like finding something like that....something that was forgotten and then it turns up like a gift. Hubby gets his left eye surgery in the morning so hopefully after we get home and he's sleeping of the last of the anesthesia I can get some time to myself. We leave om our trip next Wednesday so won't have much spare time the rest of the time. I'll be busy from Saturday on. Friday the haircut, the weekend to start packing and early next week the car to the carwash. Amongst all of that I have to do laundry and still go to work until Tuesday. There's a 5,000 mile trip ahead and I'm looking forward to it but know I'll be glad to get back home.
HI everyone,

I've been so busy helping DD with househunting and babysittng and DH and I went to Vegas for his convention
But I'm back and working on my hexagons and thinking about sewing actually have a few things cut out.
Hope everyone is doing great. I'm looking for ideas for the SS.

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