Crooked Beak....Who has raised a deformed bird to adulthood (post pics)


6 Years
Jun 30, 2013
Jersey Shore
This is "Popeye" my 4 day old Marunda Basque w. crooked beak and one eye. I have never hatched a baby with a deformity like this before. I was hesitant if I should cull him or not until I saw him eating, drinking and keeping up with his hatch mates. Please, post pics of any of your cross beak or deformity survivors!

Meet Popeye:
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I do not have a picture since this was nearly 15 years ago but I had a hen for many years named Twinkle Toes, She had curled toes as well as a cross beak. She lived a perfectly healthy life, I was hesitant about keeping her when she was a chick since that dozen of eggs (which we received from our neighbors at the time) we hatched also had a chick with a severely crooked neck whom did not survive. Twinkle Toes proved to be one of the top hens and one of the best mothers we had. If yours is eating and drinking it should be fine. Good luck!

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