Crows are hanging around my coop. Is this a problem?

The crows ended up scaring off another hawk again which is just wonderful. They are not a big problem at all, They just are a bit scared of me because everytime I go outside they leave. I can only see them through my window but even then they see me through it and leave again.
The crows ended up scaring off another hawk again which is just wonderful. They are not a big problem at all, They just are a bit scared of me because everytime I go outside they leave. I can only see them through my window but even then they see me through it and leave again.
You could try leaving strips of bacon etc on a post for them if you want them to keep hanging around.
I've come to like the crows for similar reasons. They've warned me a few times about predators - and I'm paying them back by giving them a few treats when I treat my hens. They "co-mingle" with my girls by pecking at the ground just on the other side of the fenced-in area. Hens don't mind.
We noticed 2 crows moved in, Probably mates and they seemed to want to make a nest in one of the nearby trees but the only problem is that they sometimes hang around my birds and interact with my dogs?? I get that crows are incredibly smart, but the two crows would interact with my dogs by just standing next to them and plucking ticks off of them. They would come in the coop and stand by my rooster and somehow my Rocky (My rooster) is not even flinching or moving it was like he accepted he has new neighbors they began building a nest on the branch of a tree really high up. They used some of my hay and I guess it would make sense considering my entire neighborhood has chickens. I have noticed the crows will start to crow when they see something like a hawk, bird, or a predator like a raccoon or something. I saw some stories of crows standing near chicken coops to be "Support" but I want to know if this will even be a problem with the crows, Can they bring any diseases or will they do anything they should not?
I have 2 ravens that have a nest a couple of hundred yards from my coop and run. I used to keep my egg gathering basket hanging on a hook outside the run to keep handy since I have 2 separate runs that I collect eggs from. The basket has a dish towel in the bottom to help protect the eggs from the wire basket. I also keep the eggs covered by the towel to keep prying raven eyes away. The ravens have stolen eggs out of my neighbors coop. So I go out midday to collect some eggs to add to the 3 that I already have in there and the 3 eggs were gone! Those ravens had opened the towel up and stolen all of the eggs! Very smart creatures. So now I hang my basket inside the run. Its always live and learn with chickens for us newbies! 😂
I have 2 ravens that have a nest a couple of hundred yards from my coop and run. I used to keep my egg gathering basket hanging on a hook outside the run to keep handy since I have 2 separate runs that I collect eggs from. The basket has a dish towel in the bottom to help protect the eggs from the wire basket. I also keep the eggs covered by the towel to keep prying raven eyes away. The ravens have stolen eggs out of my neighbors coop. So I go out midday to collect some eggs to add to the 3 that I already have in there and the 3 eggs were gone! Those ravens had opened the towel up and stolen all of the eggs! Very smart creatures. So now I hang my basket inside the run. Its always live and learn with chickens for us newbies! 😂
Ravens are VERY smart creatures, Seems like these crows are starting to hang out more around my hens, I was feeding my chickens some blueberries (I feed them blueberries every 2 weeks as an 'Award') even though I quite not know what I am awarding them for, But I feed my hens and rooster blueberries and the crows came down and began eating some blueberries RIGHT next to them, I do not know why but I would assume my hens or at least my ROOSTER would be in the slightest bit aggressive towards them but they are not at ALL.

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