Curiosity Plus!! I am a newbie to the chicken world.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 13, 2013
Hi everyone,

Hoping for some brain storming here, my 4.5 year old son talked me into getting some chicks from school, we had 3 lost 2, bought 2 more which are laying hens breed we are unsure of the breed, I have attached photos (Sorry in advance if not clear, they were taken with my Ipod), my curiosity lies with our little Blackie... not knowing the sex or breed of chicken. The hens were 4 weeks old on the 11 Sept, Blackie from guess work with hatching at preschool I would say would be around the 3 week mark.

Hens will be 5 weeks on Wed 16 Oct

Blackie 3 weeks old

I have been sitting back waiting to see what colour the comb will be, Blackie has started to get brown plumage one wing feathers, so hoping that Blackie will not be a boy, quite a character this little one. Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
The brown chicks look to me like female red sex links, also known as red stars. Blackie is most likely a black sex link. Sex links are hybrids which are bred to be sexed immediately after hatching, so the pullets and cockerels can be separated and the pullets used in laying farms. I have four of them myself. Take a look at my album for some sexlink pics! Good luck!!
A few weeks have past now... We were told that our black one had a girls face about it and that it was an Australorp cross RIR... And the other girls were Lohman Browns. My mum is not convinced that Blackie is a girl, last to mornings has been the most vocal, I wouldn't say crowing but more of a drawn out cluck...also looks now taller then the other 2.

Mum is concerned that with the wattles as pronounced that we are looking at a Roo. Is this the case? BL are 10 wks and well Blackie should be 9 wks.

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