Curved Feet ?


7 Years
Mar 14, 2012
Down South
My Rhode Island Red, Mabel, has weird curved in feet, she is basically walking on the sides. The toes are pointed inward. Even if it may not matter, is there anyway to correct this ? She is only a week old. She just sorta sits around in the brooder and doesn't walk around as much as the other chicks :(
You can try and make her corrective shoes with cardboard and duct tape. Cut two pieces of cardboard in kind of a kite shape that will fit her feet. Position her toes how they should be when she puts weight on them. Tape a piece of duct tape and put over the toes and press all around each toe so the tape holds them in proper position. Wrap the edges around the sides of the shoe. You may need a few strips, and may need to use one to make a heel strap behind the foot to keep the chick from sliding it off. If walking on the outside of the foot you may need to leave extra cardboard on the outside edge to help turn her feet back inward and not roll outward.
Thanks, we just did that, but now I think she just needs to get use to the shoes so she can move around more. My other two chicks are very curious and run around and peck at things, while now, all Mabel does it just sit around, I position her to the food and water once and a while to make sure she is eating. Hopefully the shoes will work. Thanks again

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