Well day 22, no internal pips but the air cells are drawn back more than they were. Starting to lose hope and might just have to come to terms with the fact that this hatch isn't going to happen. Thank you everyone for the support, advice, and stories that you shared over the last 4 days. I am not sure I will try incubating again as it is too heartbreaking to put in so much work and excitement only for heartache at the end. I hope this can help someone else not make the same mistake that I did...

Don’t give up yet at the very least you could candle the eggs if there are no lips yet and check for blood vessels and movement and go from there
Don’t give up yet at the very least you could candle the eggs if there are no lips yet and check for blood vessels and movement and go from there
Candled today, besides the air pocket the egg is basically all dark. Hard to spot any veins or movement. The air cells have drawn back over the past few days and the only movement I have seen is one egg slightly wiggling. Other than that, Nothing..
Candled today, besides the air pocket the egg is basically all dark. Hard to spot any veins or movement. The air cells have drawn back over the past few days and the only movement I have seen is one egg slightly wiggling. Other than that, Nothing..

If it was me i would hold out hope for just a little while longer they might surprise you i think i recall my dad telling me he seen eggs that hatched closer to 23 or 24 days due to low temps in an incubator so don't give up just yet and if this hatch fails try again once you do get it figured out it is an awesome hobby/pastime whatever you want to call it when it comes to incubating eggs it does get discouraging when you have an entire hatch fail i am on my third hatch right now because my first two failed miserably but my third hatch it doing great and I persist because i have hatched eggs in an incubator before it just had been a while and i had to get my bearing again when it came to doing it. Don't give up its all worth it in the end
If it was me i would hold out hope for just a little while longer they might surprise you i think i recall my dad telling me he seen eggs that hatched closer to 23 or 24 days due to low temps in an incubator so don't give up just yet and if this hatch fails try again once you do get it figured out it is an awesome hobby/pastime whatever you want to call it when it comes to incubating eggs it does get discouraging when you have an entire hatch fail i am on my third hatch right now because my first two failed miserably but my third hatch it doing great and I persist because i have hatched eggs in an incubator before it just had been a while and i had to get my bearing again when it came to doing it. Don't give up its all worth it in the end
Thanks for your positivity!
Did we get a hatcher?

No we did not, the same egg that was wiggling for the past few nights was at it again last night but no internal/external pips. My thought is they tried their best to pip internally but never made it to the air cell. I'm not doing anything with them until day 26 but I am pretty positive that these eggs are not making it. Spent all weekend crying and I am just spent after this hatch but I will do better next time. My fiance, and all of you wonderful people, have convinced me to try again but I absolutely refuse to use my little giant incubator..I am looking into purchasing the brinsea mini advance II. Anyone with experience using this I would appreciate any and all feedback/advice/tips..etc. I am also going to do my research on all forums before placing the eggs. Going into this hatch with as much knowledge as humanly possible!!
No we did not, the same egg that was wiggling for the past few nights was at it again last night but no internal/external pips. My thought is they tried their best to pip internally but never made it to the air cell. I'm not doing anything with them until day 26 but I am pretty positive that these eggs are not making it. Spent all weekend crying and I am just spent after this hatch but I will do better next time. My fiance, and all of you wonderful people, have convinced me to try again but I absolutely refuse to use my little giant incubator..I am looking into purchasing the brinsea mini advance II. Anyone with experience using this I would appreciate any and all feedback/advice/tips..etc. I am also going to do my research on all forums before placing the eggs. Going into this hatch with as much knowledge as humanly possible!!
I’m glad to hear your not giving up. And if that egg is still moving that means there’s still hope even if it’s just one I would call it successful

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