Decreased Egg Production Even WITH Supplemental Lighting??

Does it make a difference whether it is a regular or a flourescent bulb.
I've been using a 7w curlicue for years successfully, but recently changed to a 13W (I think I have those wattages right). There's different "tones" to these lights just like incandescents, so that's why I'm thinking I need a different tone that includes different colors in the spectrum...
We keep supplemental lighting on 24/7. I have read it's supposed to cause stress to them and decrease their lifespan, but our chickens aren't long-lived pets anyway. They're put in the pot after 2-3 years. It's worked well for us for several years now.

That said, I've noticed a decrease as well this season and am wondering if the new bulb I put in there (13W curlicue) might not have the spectrum they need. I'm going to try a different bulb to see if there's an improvement.

We do much the same except I sell my girls when they are around 18 months old, before winter. I still get $15.-$20. for each bird with full disclosure they will likely go into molt and be unproductive for 6-8 weeks,.. I give discounts for purchases of 3+ birds and sold 44 between Sept 1 and Oct. 1

I usually keep a few of my best producer or broodys and go into the winter with new layers. A few years ago I had 30+ birds and was only getting 3-4 eggs a day and some days not even that. we had to buy store eggs which just about killed us. It was then I reassessed what I wanted from my flock and now hatch in spring and summer, sell a lot of those pullets and established layers in late summer early fall and haven't had any more issues.... Gathered 34 eggs yesterday so pretty darn happy with it all
I have a red heat lamp bulb going 24/7 from now until it turns warm again. I have 11 girls most of them new this year. The 3 older birds molted this fall(one in late August and one just getting feathers back now). We've had close to -20 already and my girls have been allowed out in the weather during the day but closed in at night. They don't seem to mind the temp change. The 3 older birds stopped laying when they molted but the 8 younger birds are laying to beat all so they as well don't seem to b affected by the temp. I have noticed in previous years that with prolonged -20 to -30 that production slows but that's pretty understandable, I'd stop too!:D
Guess what? More than half my flock hatched after the first of the year are molting. Every morning looks like a pillow fight happened in the coop. And, yes, they do not lay at this time. Young birds can and do molt.

Agreed that temp drop is a factor. Frankly, I wouldn't want to drop a baby into a freezing nest, either. Nature sometimes overrides genetic predisposition for production despite our best efforts to maximize output.

Too, have you looked at diet? I find when I give a kale treat or some sort of greenery which is scarce during the winter I'll get rewarded with an extra egg or two. Don't know why, but it happens.

Whereas a basketful of eggs is a wonderful thing, sometimes the chickens need to recharge and replenish their calcium supply....which is what the slack time in winter allows for. It's frustrating when you REALLY want those eggs, but understandable.
Good to hear from all of you "eggsperts" this is my 2nd winter with chickens. The first year I was averaging 9-10 eggs from 10 layers with 40w clear bulb from 5am-8am(timer). I only have the supplemental light from October to January more for my logistics to feed and water in the morn. I was so happy with the first time experience with hens I added 11 more last spring expecting same results since I know my yr old chickens will slow down.

Surprised, I only get 5-7/daily eggs from new layers and getting 5 eggs from year olds. Everything was same condition except I added a bigger run for them. One of my new layer decided to molt @8 month old.
So with double the hens I only get almost the same amount of eggs from 10 hens last year.
Guess what? More than half my flock hatched after the first of the year are molting. Every morning looks like a pillow fight happened in the coop. And, yes, they do not lay at this time. Young birds can and do molt.

Agreed that temp drop is a factor. Frankly, I wouldn't want to drop a baby into a freezing nest, either. Nature sometimes overrides genetic predisposition for production despite our best efforts to maximize output.

Too, have you looked at diet? I find when I give a kale treat or some sort of greenery which is scarce during the winter I'll get rewarded with an extra egg or two. Don't know why, but it happens.

Whereas a basketful of eggs is a wonderful thing, sometimes the chickens need to recharge and replenish their calcium supply....which is what the slack time in winter allows for. It's frustrating when you REALLY want those eggs, but understandable.

I started a Hydroponics system early fall, sprouted barely and wheat with a smattering of peas, chickens and rabbits go crazy over it. We also put in a fall cover crop on our garden, let the chickens and geese at it two weeks ago and they nearly have the whole garden (30x120) taken care of ( mind you the crop was nearly knee high ).. we plan on closing it off next week and reseeding it for the pigs this next spring.

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We reduced our flock when a few died from old age, but the remaining girls were laying well. We even had one of the older easter eggers start producing after the new ones started to lay. Now we have had zero eggs in 2 months.
The one reason I can see is that they did not molt at the same time. Only one started to molt, which I assume stressed the rest of them and then two weeks later, another started to molt, and then again 2 weeks later. So the molt season has been going on forever, and no eggs!

I have more chicks coming in April, and that is too long to wait for more eggs.

Not sure the fix either. I will try the lights, again to see if that might help. The early morning timer setting might work. I'll get back to ya if something changes, like I get an egg!
I've always thought artificial light just isn't up to sunlight. There are no UV's for example.

What I do know is CFL's are disturbing to chickens. We can't see the flicker, but they can.

I only use incandescent bulbs. Full spectrum is probably the way to go if I really wanted to mimic sunlight,
but I prefer my hens to slow down when it gets cold. It gives their reproductive organs time to heal.

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