Deerwood Castle-RP-NOW OPEN!!!!!!

BTW, I would like for Charles to be a Duke instead of the Prince of Danc.

Name(first and last): Danielle Bordelette
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Gender: F[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Appearance: She is pretty tall, and her dirty blonde hair reaches to her elbows when loose. Her eyes are the deepest blue you will ever see. She is very beautiful. Her nose is slightly up-turned, and she has high cheek bones. Her eyes are always wide and calm. Her lips are a natural red, yet her skin is slightly pale. All in all, her delicate features mask her inner strength.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Job: Duchess[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Age: 17[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Family: Only her parents, who live far away, and her distant cousins.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Other: None[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Username: LittleLady98[/FONT]

I completely re-did Danielle's form already.
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From the southeast arose a shadow, a heavy shadow, dragging with it a tattered cargo.
The stallion was haggard, gaunt faced and heavy footed; threadbare, the colors of Deerwood hung limp from it's ribbed side.
On his back sat his master, slung across the poor beast like a corpse and in no better shape. His face was dark with dirt and soot, etched by the wind and rain; eyes blank and hair in such a disorderly fashion it would not have surprised him if a passing bird were to make a nest in it. Not that he would have noticed.

Together they approached; the horse leading the way, as the semi-unconscious (and quite possibly delusional) Gregory most likely would have taken the pair in circles yelling something about pumpkins.
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From the southeast arose a shadow, a heavy shadow, dragging with it a tattered cargo.
The stallion was haggard, gaunt faced and heavy footed; threadbare, the colors of Deerwood hung limp from it's ribbed side.
On his back sat his master, slung across the poor beast like a corpse and in no better shape. His face was dark with dirt and soot, etched by the wind and rain; eyes blank and hair in such a disorderly fashion it would not have surprised him if a passing bird were to make a nest in it. Not that he would have noticed.
Together they approached; the horse leading the way, as the semi-unconscious (and quite possibly delusional) Gregory most likely would have taken the pair in circles yelling something about pumpkins.
The gates of the castle slowly started to open, letting in the weary knight and his horse. A few servants immediately rushed up to Gregory and helped him down from his mount. One walked the horse to the stables to be brushed and fed, and two men tried to see if Gregory was still alive. "Oi, r'you a'right?" One gruffly asked, slapping him slightly.
The gates of the castle slowly started to open, letting in the weary knight and his horse. A few servants immediately rushed up to Gregory and helped him down from his mount. One walked the horse to the stables to be brushed and fed, and two men tried to see if Gregory was still alive. "Oi, r'you a'right?" One gruffly asked, slapping him slightly. 

Gregory mumbled something waving an arm in the air and trying in a completely vain attempt to stand.
4 days without water and a month of living on scrawny whatever he could scavenge had taken it's toll, and his mind was about as completely scattered jig-saw puzzle. He collapsed entirely just a moment later, letting out a sigh and weak swat at one of the men.
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Gregory mumbled something waving an arm in the air and trying in a completely vain attempt to stand.
4 days without water and a month of living on scrawny whatever he could scavenge had taken it's toll, and his mind was about as completely scattered jig-saw puzzle. He collapsed entirely just a moment later, letting out a sigh and weak swat at one of the men.
The two men watched with sympathy, barely having to move out of the way when the almost insane man threw his arms about. "Timothy! Prepare a room in the servants quarters for this man. Get food and water, and send for a medic as well." The taller man of the two called at a burly teenager who was watching from a few feet away. He nodded in response, then quickly scampered off inside. "We ought to move him out of this sun..." He said. "Yeah, help me get him up." Placing their hands under Gregory's arms, they helped him up and slung his arms around their shoulders. Slowly, they walked him inside the castle, hoping he'd try and walk a bit of the way.
The two men watched with sympathy, barely having to move out of the way when the almost insane man threw his arms about. "Timothy! Prepare a room in the servants quarters for this man. Get food and water, and send for a medic as well." The taller man of the two called at a burly teenager who was watching from a few feet away. He nodded in response, then quickly scampered off inside. "We ought to move him out of this sun..." He said. "Yeah, help me get him up." Placing their hands under Gregory's arms, they helped him up and slung his arms around their shoulders. Slowly, they walked him inside the castle, hoping he'd try and walk a bit of the way.

He dazedly stumbled a few steps, letting them haul him the rest of the way.
He couldn't tell where he was, or who the men were; how he had gotten there or whether his favorite color was orange or blue.
Either way his head felt to light to think about it.
He dazedly stumbled a few steps, letting them haul him the rest of the way.
He couldn't tell where he was, or who the men were; how he had gotten there or whether his favorite color was orange or blue.
Either way his head felt to light to think about it.
"Just put him on that bed over there." One man grunted, letting the other do the last bit of pulling and heaving to the bed. Carefully, he laid Gregory down.

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