Depression Era recipes..(and others like it)

Okay Okiemommy.........from another OKIE...........try the fried okra again! You just might like it! C'mon.....fried green maters and okra.......ham and beans (dinner last night here...)and some good cornbread........ love

There is hope.... gig gig gig gig

OH WOW I laughed so hard at your post!! I know....It's terrible...maybe it just wasn't made right. My mom's not the greatest cook...not enough patience quite honestly. Are you going to chickenstock? If we are able to make it,( I REALLY hope to) you might bring me some to try

I used to hate Apple pie too.....

There I feel better whew!!!
We ate a lot of creamed things on toast too when I was growing up - creamed peas, asparagus, chipped beef, hamburger, corn, tomatoes - pretty much anything they could get out of the garden or on sale. The "fancy nights" my Nana would make salmon patties with creamed peas. I have to say a favorite of mine was side pork. It was cheaper than bacon and tasted a lot better too. I would beg my grandma all the time to fry it with some home fries and gravy.

I practically lived with my grandparents and great grandma so I ate all the depression foods and thankfully learned a lot about living on less. My kids, well they are having a really hard time right now as I'm bringing all these things front and center in our home.
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I was totally kidding about bringing me fried okra to try...I don't think that I made obvious enough that I was, and I don't want you to think I am really trying to get you to bring me some!
I am hoping to be at chickenstock.....and hey I will bring u some fried green maters and okra........too yummy to pass up! (or at least try again

zoomummzy.............I am originally from Corvallis......good to see a fellow Oregonian..........and someone so close to home. My folks are still there....they live in Lewisburg.
okiemommy wrote:

Salmon Patties love love love love

Aren't they the best??? big_smile

They are awesome!! I haven't had them in sooooo long!! My Yankee husband won't eat the stuff I grew up eating
We eat them with ketchup. My dad eats them with either ketchup or tarter sauce. He's from PA....he embraced it....why can't my husband??? LOL​
We often had nights where all we ate for supper was pop corn & fudge.......

30second fudge

1 jar peanut butter
1 jar vanilla icing

Put both in microwave for 30seconds to soften then mix together and spread into 8x8 pan.
Easy and sooo yummy!
Nice to meet you geckomama
We have lived here 13 years now....Cali transplants (I'm originally from Ohio though - Buckeye through and through!) Lewisburg is nice...I have lots of friends out that way and I'm waiting for a new vet office to open out there soon.

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