Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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I am back !! It was a pc/byc issue with cookies and certificates . It still won't run my BYC on my internet explorer but i got smart and re downloaded google chrome and low and behold it works here !!! I could post pms from my phone but i can't read the tiny regular posts well enough to do summaries etc from the phone !!
Great to see you back!
Have you tried Safari yet? There's a version for Windows PC's. I've been using Safari for years and I love it. FireFox is also good, we used that for awhile when DS decided to wipe Safari (and a few other programmes) from the computer. Lesson learned: Do not leave a 4yo unattended with your computer! It could get expensive. LOL
I just sold my pair of Sebastopol geese. They were beautiful, but they were mean. I'd rather raise a bunch of goslings like Goosey so that they imprint on me.

Also, I just picked up a bunch of 6 foot dog kennel panels so as soon as the neighbor brings over his spreader, I'm going to clean out the coop and expand/divide it. It hasn't been cleaned out in over 6 months...
Have fun

Your stories and pics of Goosey made me consider getting geese too. Darn that thing's cute. And talking of pics... it's been awhile.
Broody hen hatched two chicks. She only had 9 eggs left. She started with 14. Hmmmm. 9 eggs. 2 chicks. What happened to the other three eggs. I took her and locked her up with feed and water and put her two chicks with a bunch of others about the same age. I put her 9 eggs in a hatcher. It's day 23. Not holding out much hope. Two chicks isn't enough chicks for a hen to raise and not be producing. If she had 7 to 10. She would be raising them. I'll keep her up a couple days and let her out. Still have another hen on day 22. No chicks with her yet. She might just be day 20 or 21. I was out of town and wasn't sure when she started sitting. Going to leave her a few days.
Why not give her a few of your incubator hatched chicks to raise?
Ok Sally, and any others wanting to see pics of my hatch, here they are. Sorry it took so long but i just now got done with my to do list for today. It's a little after 2:00 A.M. here and I just got inside, I hate having to feed animals by flash light. I spent all day in town running errands with my two kids, ages 1 and 3, and needless to say my nerves are shot. I don't know if anyone knows this but toddlers get a little fussy when you are taking them in and out of car seats every 15 minutes and dragging them into stores and offices where they aren't allowed to touch anything. After i got home I handed my children off to my poor wife who had to deal with the cranky little darlings while I started doing all my outside chores in the dark. But anyways here they are, I meant to post the pics before we left this morning but i completely forgot. I am now up to 8 turkeys, one didn't make it, seven ducks, two of those didn't make it as well. I have 4 guineas now, with the other two working there little tails off to break through that rock hard guinea shell (I swear those shells are made of granite or something), and I placed 8 chicken eggs under the broody hen and 6 in the incubator. 7 out of 8 under the broody made it, with one that wasn't ever fertilized. 4 out of 6 chicken eggs that were in the incubator made it to lock down, and all four seem to still be progressing but none have pipped yet. Everyone feel free to comment, especially if anyone has any advice on what colors the guineas, turkeys, or chicks might be. Some turkeys are a solid whitish yellow, and others are a greyish tan with either dark brown or reddish rust lines on their backs and heads. All of the guineas are kinda brown with grey and darker brown lines on their backs and necks. I know the pics aren't the best but i was in a hurry(as always) and it was raining outside when I was taking the pics of the games and cochins.

Here is a couple pics of the hatched group as of late last night, there are more now but my wife's camera is dead.

One of the Turkey's that I expect will be a Nargasette (not sure on the spelling?), Bourbon red, or some other variety with different coloring.

Two of the guinea keets, I believe they will be pearl but i'm not to sure on guinea coloring.

One of the Rouen ducklings. My wife and kids love the ducks!!!

Kinda hard to see but these are the cochin chicks that were hatched by the game hen. I would have tried for better pics, but this game hen is one mean mother. She has actually came out of the coop and tried to flog me while I was feeding and watering them.

And these are some game chicks i bought from a local woman, who has many different types of poultry, my son had a blast at her place when we went to pick these up. I'm not sure what colors these will be and neither did she because she took them in on a trade. I bought all 12 that she had for a dollar a piece, I don't know if anyone has ever seen the prices on game chickens but around here they are pretty pricey, going for 5 to 10 dollars a piece for day old chicks and upwards of 100 dollars for a trio of adults. I got these so cheap because she only wanted laying hens and as everyone knows games are better brooders than layers.

Thanks to everyone again for all the help and advice, I wouldn't have ever gotten here without all of your help. Thanks again!!!
Ok, I had to try to get some pics where you could see the coloring better on everything. These aren't great but you can see the colors on the turkeys and guineas slightly better.

Some of the turkeys. The person I bought the eggs from said some of the turkeys had the penciling gene. I'm not sure what i have though.

Everyone in my home's favorite, the ducklings!!!

Two of the guineas. Again I am clueless on what color they will be.

Group photos, everyone is playing nice so far but I will be setting up different brooders for everyone tomorrow.

Ok, I had to try to get some pics where you could see the coloring better on everything. These aren't great but you can see the colors on the turkeys and guineas slightly better.

Some of the turkeys. The person I bought the eggs from said some of the turkeys had the penciling gene. I'm not sure what i have though.

Everyone in my home's favorite, the ducklings!!!

Two of the guineas. Again I am clueless on what color they will be.

Group photos, everyone is playing nice so far but I will be setting up different brooders for everyone tomorrow.

Candled today for day 7. Had to throw out 7 because they were infertile. But I knew this was coming. Down to one roo. I guess 12 girls was too much for him. LOL. WIMP!!
Also yesterday had to cull the big Delaware I got from the flee market. NEVER AGAIN will I buy a birds there. Always something. Had a broke toe and got to be the size of my thumb. Well, one less bird to dust today. Plus I have 26 Heritage Delawares now in the grow pen. So all good.
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