Did you watch CSI last night??? (Spoiler)

Shocked the heck outta me! Never saw it coming. also never heard about the drug charges, and firing either...guess i better start watching entertainment tonight and inside edition.LOL
Well Warrick was charged with murdering a ganster. It turns out he was framed by a contacted( that nobody knew about yet) in the CSI force. At the end he is released for being framed. They all eat at the cafe. Warrick gets in his car and the Boss guy that is over grissom ( the guy that is always tring to off grissom) shots him in the neck.
Seems almost like they left it to where he could be 'rescued' and brought back to life if they needed to. They showed the shot in his neck and last shot still showed him moving just a teeny bit?
I'm gonna hold out a lil' bit of hope. I never heard about his RL problems either till I read this thread!!

The guy that framed Warrick was low level, and he and Grissom speculated that there was someone higher up the food chain invovled. Turns out it was the under-sherrif (never liked that guy) who is always messing with Grissom's crew. He's the one that offs Warrick.

I'm going to miss those purty eyes...sigh
Nick (the hot guy) stayed to talk to the waitress. I kinda knew what was coming when the guy at the window didn't show both hands. I liked Warrick - too bad the guy has a drug problem (in real life)
Nick was still in the restaurant! Yeah but the guy shot him twice right? And I think he is dead especially if in real life he is having problems they probably did fire him. Have ya'll seen the previews for Miami! They make it seem like Horacio(spelling) is going to die! I dont really watch NY only the other 2. CSI always makes the endings so upsetting especially while trying to wait for the next one!

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