Disease management


8 Years
Sep 22, 2011
I have 25 new chicks on order from Estes and I want to know if anyone sees any flaws in my thinking...

I free range (currently two) flocks of egg layers and each has their own portable coop to spend the night. (LGD for critter control, just a bit of supplemental cracked corn, flocks choose not to mix). I spend no $ on vaccines or disease treatments of any kind and have had great luck with this management.

I want to put a brooder up off the floor in my first year birds coop. I don't THINK I have any disease, definitely have no disease signs, but am worried about any air-borne illnesses that might transmit to the youngsters. Do I need a cover to prevent the errant poop from roosting hens above from entering the brooder? Once the chicks outgrow the brooder, they will be turned out to their portable coop until they outgrow it, then let to free-range.

Cleanliness has served me well for 6 flocks so far, but does anyone see any problems?

lcflwt (in MO)

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