Dixie Chicks

Ooooo, lamb... yummy, yummy... haven't had that in waaaay too long... thanks, Deb... very envious right now... lol...

havent tasted it yet.... I pulled it out of the oven to let it rest and My son and I decided i needed to make a Beer run.... so i did.

Oops I bought some milk and some yogurt too... better go put stuff in the refridgerator...

@Beer can I understand not wanting to skip... plus I have CDO so it annoys me to skip, lol... and then in middle of posting there are like 5 more new posts!

So sorry about your chicks!

Is Sandhill gonna compensate at all? Dunno if there is an type of guarantees with shipped chicks??

I think only dead on arrival chicks are warrantied, they came with paperwork for it, says the only way they cover it is open the box at the post office and have them sign the paperwork, nice and lively at po. I didn't count them there though, how can you? I was shorted three chicks that I'm sure I'll be charged for, the langshans, but I got nine free so, I don't know, leaving it be. don't plan on ordering from them again, don't plan on giving them a review, wouldn't be good, no review good or bad, just dealing with what I have ad making the best of it and not calling them agaian or talking to them

Just the way I am. Knew what I was getting into when I ordered from them as far as the lack of communication, the long wait, and the possibly not getting what was ordered. Not happy with the two months of waiting after their confirmed shipping date, missed count and dying chicks, dying chicks happen, but I haven't had any die from other hatcheries...I will say my peace on the SandHill thread on BYC, but it will only be stating the facts that I've dealt with.
Well, that still bites big hairy ones... :/

But I do understand where you're coming from on that... facts stated, carry on... doing that myself over the whole 'dogs ate my chooks' thing... vented here but that's it... they won't do the right thing so we are... :)
Your avatar plus your Tennessee Mountain Cur made me wonder. I'm not originally from Tennessee either, but after 34 years here it's pretty much home.
I think only dead on arrival chicks are warrantied, they came with paperwork for it, says the only way they cover it is open the box at the post office and have them sign the paperwork, nice and lively at po. I didn't count them there though, how can you? I was shorted three chicks that I'm sure I'll be charged for, the langshans, but I got nine free so, I don't know, leaving it be. don't plan on ordering from them again, don't plan on giving them a review, wouldn't be good, no review good or bad, just dealing with what I have ad making the best of it and not calling them agaian or talking to them

Just the way I am. Knew what I was getting into when I ordered from them as far as the lack of communication, the long wait, and the possibly not getting what was ordered. Not happy with the two months of waiting after their confirmed shipping date, missed count and dying chicks, dying chicks happen, but I haven't had any die from other hatcheries...I will say my peace on the SandHill thread on BYC, but it will only be stating the facts that I've dealt with.
This isn't about your chicks, but I'm just figuring this out. Your avatar plus your Tennessee Mountain Cur dog made me wonder.
Are you originally from Tennessee?
Oops, missed previous post, guess you were not talking to me, but anyway
and the coolest thread on here!

havent tasted it yet.... I pulled it out of the oven to let it rest and My son and I decided i needed to make a Beer run.... so i did.

Oops I bought some milk and some yogurt too... better go put stuff in the refridgerator...

I realized I don't have beer here! Only a half bottle of vodka! I prefer beer. Nothing to mix it with though
... OMG! Wife has some frozen 'Mikes margarita' and a 'Mikes hard lemonade' in the freezer! Mixed on the heavy side! Buzzing now! WOOOHOOO!

Off to Netflix, and NOT going to worry about all of the new chicks dying.............no sad face ....only happy!

Everything will be OK
Ooh put the milk and the yogurt in the refrigerator and disassembled that lamb shank.....

Mildest lamb I ever tasted... Just salt and pepper and garlic sprinkled over the outside then seared in the cooking pot till all sides were brownie and crispity....

Then layed the roast down and pourd in about an inch of chicken stock and threw the whole thing in at 325... and forgot it was there .... it was supposed to cook about an hour and 40 minutes but the timer that I have on my desk top got shut off... So I reset for 45 minutes and went by smell and internal temperature...

still not comfortable with medium rare so I went for well which was about 160 internal temperature....

Now its cooled and still sitting in that yummy juice flavored with lamb drippins....
The plan was to eat some for my dinner and put the rest up for the weeks nibbles.... It aint going to make it a week. I sliced it up into sandwich sized chunks and poured the juice over it all...

I did have mint jelley... but it really didnt need it...

Your avatar plus your Tennessee Mountain Cur made me wonder. I'm not originally from Tennessee either, but after 34 years here it's pretty much home.
OK! You posted this before I posted mine, so I'll try to e quick! But I have a carpy computer! My avatar IS me 100% Constitution and a free country! OUR flags should fly high, I'm from the north, but I respect all Americans in our great nation, and one of my favorite shows growing up was 'Dukes of Hazard' I will have someday a dukes car....my goal in life is freedom and the Constitution as it was wrote! I don't think it is good to hide anything, our history is what it is, lets grow and evolve from it........
The mountain cur? I guess you'0all dont like them down there, one of the top rehome breeds, I bought him at a shelter, down south dogs, supposed to be a boxer mastiff mix, NOT! He's deffinitly a crazy mountain cur, still nice dog though, going to turn him on to some squirrels, and coyotes.....
OK! You posted this before I posted mine, so I'll try to e quick! But I have a carpy computer! My avatar IS me 100% Constitution and a free country! OUR flags should fly high, I'm from the north, but I respect all Americans in our great nation, and one of my favorite shows growing up was 'Dukes of Hazard' I will have someday a dukes car....my goal in life is freedom and the Constitution as it was wrote! I don't think it is good to hide anything, our history is what it is, lets grow and evolve from it........
The mountain cur? I guess you'0all dont like them down there, one of the top rehome breeds, I bought him at a shelter, down south dogs, supposed to be a boxer mastiff mix, NOT! He's deffinitly a crazy mountain cur, still nice dog though, going to turn him on to some squirrels, and coyotes.....
We like them fine down here, but there are lots of Yankees that moved here where it's lots warmer in the winter and so now they like to ship Southern dogs up North. They're hell on small game, but I wouldn't sic one on a coyote. You need a heavier dog for that--like a Pyrenees, which is what I breed. Pyrs are hell on chickens, though, if they're not trained up right. You have been warned. :) I'm right with you on the Constitution. Unfortunately that's not being taught in schools these days. I wrote the Constitution out by hand when I was in high school, during the Dark Ages! Take care, Cindy

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