Dixie Chicks

Good luck selling those chicks... Jim gets attached and won't let me get rid of many of ours... and then brings home more EE's from the feed store! And his mom calls me to let me know that TSC has 'black Australian chicks' for sale if we want them (this is after telling us we have too many chooks and need to get rid of a bunch)!!

My chicken math isn't the problem...

Maybe just a couple of the Astrolorps? I got one yesterday from our TSC just as a buddy to my new hatchling. The new black (and white) chick from TSC is healthy, seems to have a good disposition, has snuggled up and buddied up with New-Hatch, and both of them have been quiet as mice, no distress peeping, happy chooks, a joy to have for the moment here by the 'puter.
You live in Alabama, you know what to do with it.   :lau

He only eats roadkill this one is still alive it won't taste as good as one that's been marinating on the side of the road for a couple of days.

Thinking about rehoming it to the cab of my neighbor's truck

That's a bad idea(I'm required to say that) however if you do it at least get pictures.
I havent stopped laughing. Made my son turn the radio off so I could read to my hubby. We have to get a bigger trap. I mean we are on our way to get a bigger trap. My hubby said this is not an ordinary mouse or rat we are dealing with.
Thanks for posting that... now I don't feel like such a giant idiot for shelling out so much money for eggs.

We can be crazy together!  :ya
aren't we all just a little insane? I've got a blue cuckoo rooster, a mauve cockerel [YAYAYAYAYAY) and a chocolate pullet!

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