Dixie Chicks

finally progress forward more on the master bathroom...been busy working in the wood shop making the bathroom vanity and cabinets for the bathroom, I am soo ready to get the paint on the wall but lots more spackling and sanding to do...@NotAFarm update for ya :)

Home improvement projects always take longer than we would like them to. Sharps is doing a great job!
About advice
Wisemen do not need it and fools will not heed it.
Why would anyone believe authority?
So maybe it is possible the Pig man at Bakers Green acres is not coming clean with every piece of information. BUT why in the world would someone believe the propaganda put out by a government? Federal, State, County or City? If their mouths are moving then they are lying!
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Here's all the kids free ranging yesterday
. Well, they were actually eating the feed I threw down to let them out easily without them staying under my feet. Then they scatter and free range.
Here's all the kids free ranging yesterday:D . Well, they were actually eating the feed I threw down to let them out easily without them staying under my feet. Then they scatter and free range.
holy crap! I didn't realize you had that many chickens! I hope they weren't all locked in that little tractor! That would be like the endless clowns coming out of the car. Lol (I know they weren't all in the tractor) So we are going to get piggies this weekend. The lady selling them and I had to work out some details. We're trading ducks and cash for piggies. She said as many ducks as I want to get rid of and then we'll talk the cash/trade final numbers. I told her I had enough ducks to trade to be even cash on the piggies but I'm sure she doesn't want that many, lol. Super excited for the 3 little gilts to be coming back here. Going to set up a spot in the back horse pasture for them to graze in.
We did have 150 at last count in the spring. We lost a bunch over the summer. (Probably about 20-30). DD and I need to do an official count. Believe it or not, we know when one is missing. About 2 weeks ago we were missing a cockerel. We walked the property and looked for signs of feathers, blood, what have you. We did not find him. Best part about it is that it wasn't a hen. Probably a hawk took him out. We have red shoulder hawks and other type hawks that swing by daily looking for a meal. It's a chance we take by letting them free range.

Takes us usually 2 hours to feed and water. We don't have running water back there, so have to fill gallon jugs & wheelbarrow them back to the back. Plus we have 1 cat, 1 dog, and 9 rabbits. We do need to do a reduction in numbers on chickens and rabbits

@minihorse927 , Yes, they all came out of that itty bitty coop.....Yeah....
That little coop thing was given to me by a friend. So far, its been used mostly as a rabbit tractor. We alternate rabbits and they get to hop around and eat grass. They love it. Some get more turns than others because some are easier to handle.
Hello, I will have less time to spend on my chickens come soon, very soon. I need to figure out which to sell off and which to scale down.
Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.
I have two colors of Jubilees, a dark deep
Mahogany and a brighter red mahogany. Which should I narrow my field down to?
Should I save space in my incubators for the very expensive Isabels? I got my Isabel chicks from, The Fancy Chick. Or save space for the Jubilees eggs. And which Jubilee eggs? I have the dark and the bright girls. Something has to give. Thank uou for any direction as to which way YOU would go. I am at a loss trying to decide. I have the other knee scheduled for complete total Knee replacement in less than a month. I need to let go of some chickens NOW and which to scale down on again is beyond me.
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