Dixie Chicks

Oooh, the chickens would love to have all of the leaves!

My chickens get no leaves... Poor deprived chickens... I am surrounded by spruce.

Ravyn, thanks for the crest genetics... I didn't know.
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Oooh, the chickens would love to have all of the leaves!

My chickens get no leaves... Poor deprived chickens... I am surrounded by spruce.

Ravyn, thanks for the crest genetics... I didn't know.

Just happened to run across it... they were discussing similar breeds with crests... I think Cream Legbars, SFH and Icelandics???

Anyways, I very well could be wrong, but I would do a test hatch just to see... you could always list them as BYM...
I'm just waiting for eggs... Got to get hatching if I'm going to do any this season. Just chickens I think, the muscovy can do it themselves I hope, and I don't need more of the other ducks this year... Well maybe a few for eating. I just need some more chickens.
Nice pics, Bambam. The lizard is cute, and I like the olive eggs you've got. The crowing roo looks kinda psychotic though. What's the hen next to him, looks like a colorful version of our OE.

I played beach volley yesterday, it was pretty fun. Karin's friend's boyfriend turned thirty, so he had rented an indoor beach volley place. It was a bit weird jumping around in shorts in the middle of winter, but a nice change. I managed to eat quite a bit of sand, going for a ball simultaneously with a team mate.
Nice pics, Bambam. The lizard is cute, and I like the olive eggs you've got. The crowing roo looks kinda psychotic though. What's the hen next to him, looks like a colorful version of our OE.

I played beach volley yesterday, it was pretty fun. Karin's friend's boyfriend turned thirty, so he had rented an indoor beach volley place. It was a bit weird jumping around in shorts in the middle of winter, but a nice change. I managed to eat quite a bit of sand, going for a ball simultaneously with a team mate.

Im not sure which pic you are referring too. Im always on mobile version. What color is the hen?
Those green eggs are Isbar

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