Dixie Chicks

That's pretty cool Alaskan. An experience the majority of us will never have, whether he makes a go of it or not.
Do all monasteries make awesome beer, or just the one's in Belgium?
Both of the ones he is going to make wine.....but bad wine! :sick

Or.... I tried one bottle... It was so bad, I have refused to try any more.... That was years back too.... So perhaps it is better?

Then again, I have never met a greek wine that I liked, and both are greek monasteries... So maybe that is the problem.


I wish they would make beer... I bet it is way easier to make good beer than good wine.

Or cheese! :drool

Or fancy greek olives!!!
The good monasteries make Chartreuse the liqueur.

They also developed a super strong cheese to stand up to their super strong beers, Limburger...really liked it, smooth, creamy, good on it's own and on rye bread with red onion.
Tried to eat some one day sober, don't think I can ever repeat that attempt, no wonder it killed mighty mouse....
Chartreuse , haven't tried it, on my bucket list now.
We have a brewery near us, Ommegang, right near Cooperstown the Baseball hall of fame. Brews Belgium style ales, was ours, Awesome beers, more like a fine wine, sour and stong!. They were bought out by Duvel, super sad about that, but they still brew the same beers. I still have not tried Duvel, but have tried many Trappist ales, Chimay, St Bernardus, Orval, Rochefort, some others.
Anytime someone asks me if Ommegang beer is good, "Do you like Coors Light?" if yes than no you probably wouldn't appreciate it.
I do too, Alaskan! But I also dearly love Alaskan Oatmeal Stout (which I cannot get here, and I am not sure it ever leaves Alaska.)

On the wine making...the source for the grapes sort of got preempted by another of their friends here, and I never tried to make the Muscatine wine I wanted to attempt here.
The good monasteries make Chartreuse the liqueur. 

They also developed a super strong cheese to stand up to their super strong beers, Limburger...really liked it, smooth, creamy, good on it's own and on rye bread with red onion.
Tried to eat some one day sober, don't think I can ever repeat that attempt, no wonder it killed mighty mouse....
Chartreuse , haven't tried it, on my bucket list now.
We have a brewery near us, Ommegang, right near Cooperstown the Baseball hall of fame. Brews Belgium style ales, was ours, Awesome beers, more like a fine wine, sour and stong!. They were bought out by Duvel, super sad about that, but they still brew the same beers. I still have not tried Duvel, but have tried many Trappist ales, Chimay, St Bernardus, Orval, Rochefort, some others. 
Anytime someone asks me if Ommegang beer is good, "Do you like Coors Light?" if yes than no you probably wouldn't appreciate it.

Limburger cheese.....How do you get past the smell? I went to a church haunted house awhile back and we walked down to the basement. It was "hell". It smelled so bad. At the end of the tour someone asked our tour guide what it was that smelled so terrible in the basement. She said Limburger cheese :sick.

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