DIY Coop for my hens! Need tips!


In the Brooder
Nov 6, 2018
Liberty Hill TX
Hey all! So I just recently posted about my new chick/hens >> here.

My mother and I are going to be building a coop soon. The feathers in my larger ones have already come through and they're ready to be placed outside soon. I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a small coop, so we are going to build one ourselves.

That being said, I was hoping maybe you all could send me some designs, tips, ideas on how you did yours, what all they'll need in a coop. I know they need an area to run and sleep, but what else do they need? How do you supplement the heat in yours? What would you have changed in the one you have now? What would you have left out? Was there a site you used to build yours or did you come up with it on your own?

Thank you all in advance!
In Texas I can't see a need to ever supplement heat.

As far as budget materials I think starting with pallets is a great way to go, or looking for other salvage materials. If you look through the coops here on BYC you should get plenty of ideas for appearance, materials, sizing, etc.

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