Do chickens ever lay two eggs per day?

I just made a post about this. I have 3 laying EE , and today I put one of my silkie rooster in with the hens because he was being mean to the other rooster. This afternoon, I collected the eggs and 2 of the hens each laid 2 eggs! Could the rooster been the cause of this? Maybe inducing ovulation?
my dad has one that will lay 2 a day. i didn't think it was possible, but unless we have feral chickens running around in this neck of the woods, it's the only possibility.
My hen lay 2 eggs today. This is the second time that happened during the past month!
:welcome :frow It can happen now and then. Quite awhile back I got a huge egg from one of my birds. It was an egg inside an egg and both eggs were double yolks. It weighed 185 grams/6.5 ounces. A normal large egg is around 60 grams/2.1 ounces.
IMG_20180407_085133 - Copy.jpg

This is the egg next to a regular large egg.

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