Do I need keg bans for my pigeons


7 Years
Sep 18, 2012
Ireland dublin
Hi I have 8 pigeons 3tumblers 5 homers they don't race do I need leg bands but the homers I got of a family friend when they were young birds had bands on them and the one that flew into my lift had a leg band but I don't know how to read it and do I have to take the leg bands of of them or leave them thanks and I am in Ireland
I've had two birds returned to me because of phone # bands. One was a Birmingham roller that had been chased off by a hawk (he was returned dead) the other was a homer that returned to the wrong loft.
I am using coloured electrical zip ties to inform me as to what sex a bird is (blue male and red female) also to tell me what year they were hatched (ten different colours and a number code according to the alphabet). After training and loosing a few birds I bought aluminum split bands with my name and phone number on them from here:

The bands to date have not helped a miss guided bird home. It all boils down to personal choice. If you want to race any pigeon they have to be banded by one week old and have a recognized solid band to do so.
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