Do you eat the ones you love?

There are birds I raise to eat, and birds who I raise for eggs/breeders. They can be eaten, I eat some, but there are a few select pets that have been granted the stay for their lifetime. They are the untouchables. The rest are livestock and have no names.
I dont eat my laying hens. I sell them at around 2 and replace them with younger hens. Our extra roos get eaten. Most of our chickens arent pets. Most of the animals arent pets. The key is to not name anything your going to eat..or in the case of our lambs the ram lambs get named lambchop1, lambchop2, etc
The roos I will end up eating are abusive jerks, so it makes it really easy to have them for dinner, but with a family to feed and the economy the way it is, I would even cook my cat if my kids were hungry.
My hens lay eggs and they are workers in other ways because they help keep down the grasshopper population and the weeds, so even when they stop laying, they will serve a purpose and earn their keep and the right to not be dinner. Besides, once they are a few years old, they get really stringy and tough and its not worth the effort to process them.
I don't eat my egg layers, they are my pets. I do raise meat chickens and we love to eat those. The kids even get involved with their raising and know when it is slaughter day.

ETA: We will eat mean Roos, they make good soup
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I eat them; I seriously doubt there is anything in this world that would make me become a vegan of any sort. I enjoy meat, especially red meat but that's for the backyard cows forum. But that's just me.
I will be eating mine when the time comes. I am responsible for my animals' lives, and I will be responsible for their deaths. They will have lived wonderful lives in a place where they can stretch their wings and get into trouble (flying out of their run) and all that other great stuff, so I won't feel guilty for turing them into stew when the time comes. I try to make their lives as decent as possible, then they in turn serve our lives with eggs and meat.

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