Do you ever encounter people that don't know where eggs come from?

MY MOM is totally city girl. She came to visit us once and I had some brown eggs in the fridge and so she asked me where I got them and I told her from my MLM, we didn't have chickens yet. Some how, I don't remember exactly, she was saying something about why the stores bleach the eggs white!!!!
I about fell over laughing!!!

THat is my story!!!
My b-in-law, who lived on a farm all of his child rearing years and raised broilers, and even had chickens who layed eggs tell his wife that the rooster fertilizes the eggs AFTER the egg is layed.

I was told by my farm-raised mother this, though I think it was to avoid "the talk" with her very curious young daughter!​
LOL my neighbor up the street who happens to be a magistrate came over back in july to get some tomatoes, when she spied the chicken coop she said oh you have chickens. I told her no I have ornamental yard fowl. She said oh I grew up on a farm. I love chickens. Then she said where is your rooster. Told her I didnt have one. She said well dont you want eggs. I just kind of looked at her and left it at that. I need to give her a dozen eggs.
We had a family reunion this summer and I got to visit with my brother and my SIL, hadn't seen them in over 8 years. They're smart, educated people, but have never been around animals except for their dogs.

They were listening while I was discussing my chicken adventures. They asked the typical questions: do you need a rooster to get eggs? etc. At least they DID know where eggs come from.

Then I started talking about egg color. That's when my SIL piped in about "But don't all brown eggs come from brown chickens, and all white eggs come from white chickens?"! I immediately thought of the joke of how white milk comes from white cows and chocolate milk comes from brown cows, LOL. I also thought, wow, my SLW won't know which way to go, black or white!

Even after explaining things to her, she acted like she still didn't believe me, and was a little freaked out when I told her I'd be getting GREEN OR BLUE eggs from my EE's.
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I sell my eggs at work I can not belive some of the questions. I am thinking about given out a hand out with the eggs explianing it all. I had one women tell me she loves fresh food but, did not want my eggs because she was afraid she will crack on open and a chick will come out. I tried hard not to laugh at her.
Mrs.ChickChick :

We had a family reunion this summer and I got to visit with my brother and my SIL, hadn't seen them in over 8 years. They're smart, educated people, but have never been around animals except for their dogs.

They were listening while I was discussing my chicken adventures. They asked the typical questions: do you need a rooster to get eggs? etc. At least they DID know where eggs come from.

Then I started talking about egg color. That's when my SIL piped in about "But don't all brown eggs come from brown chickens, and all white eggs come from white chickens?"! I immediately thought of the joke of how white milk comes from white cows and chocolate milk comes from brown cows, LOL. I also thought, wow, my SLW won't know which way to go, black or white!

Even after explaining things to her, she acted like she still didn't believe me, and was a little freaked out when I told her I'd be getting GREEN OR BLUE eggs from my EE's.

My second cousin moved to Tucson, Arizona and married an Hispanic woman. When their daughter was about 6-7 years old, they were at the grocery store together. When she saw white and brown eggs,, she asked, "Do white eggs come from American chickens and brown eggs from Mexican chickens?"​
That is a good idea and I bet a lot of people are afraid to ask questions. Your card would probably answer the questions that they feel too shy to ask.
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