Do you like just to sit and watch your flock be chickens?

You all know I love being with my chickens.










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I love chicken TV! I just wish I could watch more! Great therapy. Husband is even addicted and watches more than I do. We pull each other away from the birds all the time to do some REAL work ....
Playing with the growing chicks is the most fun!

I think chickens are keeping his BP down and mine too
Within a few months of my having gotten chickens, my physician actually lowered the prescription strength for my BP medication!!

And trust me, that was the ONLY difference in my life - I can totally attribute the benefit to my flock.

I have a friend staying with me for a few days and she is also sittin' and watchin' Chicken TV with me. She's learned when I say, "Chicken on a mission" it means somebody (of the gallus type) just ran by. Occasionally, it's "Rooster on a mission." I love watching them do anything, but a running chicken is a delightful sight which always causes smiles.

Dustbathing. Yup. Sunning themselves. Yup. Jumping to pull leaves off branches. Yup. Stretching and flexing a wing, ballet pose style. Yup. Preening. Yup. Grooming other chickens' feathers, usually the cheek tufts. Awwww.
Drinking. Why is that so cute? But it is, as they tilt their heads up to swallow.

Never in my life would I have imagined CHICKENS would be such a source of contentment.
I go out every day and spend about 30 minutes in the coop with my girls just watching them. They are very relaxing! I have 2 children under the age of 5....I need something relaxing!!
I loved reading all of these posts. I am a chicken watcher and wondered if others just sat & watched also. I've had bantys for many years and watched their behavior and would name them after my co-workers because their behavior reminded me of them (nurses). I would bring pictures & tell stories at our lunch break. It was good comic relief for all of us. Everyone enjoyed the stories so much that they often came out to see & meet their namesakes. The funniest one was my co-worker that had attention deficit. I had a hen that would not sit still. She would lay eggs & sit on them for awhile & leave & another hen would end up hatching the babies. I always said she would never hatch eggs. Well, one day here she comes with one little baby in tow! It was so comical as she would often leave the baby with daddy while she went off and did her own thing with the younger roosters. He took really good care of the young one and eventually she'd come back and relieve him. You can imangine the stories I had for that one!
Now I have 5 adult silkies, two silkie babies, one banty silkie cross & one americauna. I have them in a 30x40 pole barn and love to sit in my rocker and watch them.

(click on pictures to enlarge)

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