Dog eating chicken poop

My dogs eat chicken poo and goose poo. the geese have been eating bluebrries,so they're eating blue goo poo-LOL! I do not condone it-but it's hard to stop them. Yuck!
My dog makes me sick when he eats the baby's poop. If someone leaves a poopy diaper out. Oh, I'm getting sick just thinking about it. I don't let dogs lick me and no animal is allowed around my face.
I was wondering about this same question myself... My one dog loves the pooh of it all!

When I go to clean the box, I have a waste basket that has the shavings and pooh it in and I find her eating shavings and all... She's only 4 months old. I thought another thing I have to keep her out of... Lord give me patience!

I know dogs love Kitty Box Cruchies, but Chicky Box Crunchies?

Thank goodness the girls will be in the coop/run soon by the end of next weekend.
I am telling my dogs all the time that the yard and the litter boxes are not buffets
I don't know if it is bad for them necessarily, but I had a bad problem with my dog getting sick after being around the chickens.

I'd bring him home (my chickens live at a friend's house), and during the night, he'd throw up. If I kept him away from the birds, he'd be fine. He eventually quit, and we visit the chickens daily. I haven't determined if it's droppings or food he was eating. Probably droppings. So not a bad thing, maybe, but may upset your dog's stomach.

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