Dog / Human Conflict

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I know how you neighbors dogs slaughtered my Pekin..they go through dogs like socks. My husband wanted to go down there (he is 6'5 and was very angry)..I said no, if there dogs go "missing" they will come to us first. SSS. Shoot! Shovel!Shut Up! I know an old timer who got tired of ten cats urinating in his veggie garden, (many years ago). He shot said cats then drove down the road and dumped them on the road on a blind curve. By the end of the day the cat was an inch thick and no one was the wiser. People need to respect other peoples property and rights.
This second party with dogs is far more complicated than first. Appears to be on poor terms with all neighbors with respect to dogs. I'm just a later person to be involved.
Its unfortunate your neighbors don't see the importance of de-escalating this situation and keeping their dogs off other peoples property because eventually they're going to maim or kill somebody's else's livestock and be shot. Then they'll wish they had listened to you.
Its unfortunate your neighbors don't see the importance of de-escalating this situation and keeping their dogs off other peoples property because eventually they're going to maim or kill somebody's else's livestock and be shot. Then they'll wish they had listened to you.
They already killed someone elses chickens, as in an entire layer flock. Lady I talked to indicated she was happy about that.
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