Dog killed my chickens, I killed the dog

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Free ranging is the only way for me to get the most nutrients in my eggs. I am not going to give that up. I find your statement insulting that it is wrong to free range. My birds are happiest when they can go where ever they please, getting the best foodstuffs they can find. I have natural borders & no neighbours within a 1000 ft of our property. I have guns, a dog, & all the time I need to TCB! I pity the predator that comes for my birds!

I'm glad penning works for you. It is just another method of managing a flock. No more wrong than my method.

Diana, you may choose to keep your birds "cooped up" and rarely let them out to be happy, healthy chickens, but that is not something I am going to subject my wonderful ladies to! Yes, your point of protection is well noted, but I personally would rather my girls get to lead a normal and fulfilled life. Free-ranging is a risk that I feel is more than worth it. I don't think it's wrong to ask people to keep their dogs up! I live over three miles in either direction from other people, so I doubt my birds will make it into anyone else's yard. I have two flock-watcher dogs and a shotgun with plenty of shells. My girls are worth it.

Shellz, I'm with you. I love the added benefits of free-ranging. I get a real kick out of seeing the colors of my yolks change from season to season. It lets me know that my girls diets are diverse and so my eggs are ever-changing!

Well said, I couldn't agree more & penning isn't the "TOTAL" answer either. My neighbor has had dogs break into his pen & kill all his girls & his pen is pretty stout, but determined dogs can & WILL do whatever they want especially when in "pack" mode. They may not hurt a flea when alone, but you get them together, ALL bets are off, they resort back. I don't have a dog or dogs, but I do have a 20ga shotgun with #3 & #1 buckshot & a 7mm-08 rifle with me at ALL times & do NOT hesitate to use them if anything comes after my girls. As "Speckled Hen" has stated & has been quoted several times on here; "A DOG ON IT'S OWN PROPERTY IS A PET; A DOG ON SOMEONE ELSE'S PROPERTY IS A PREDATOR" That about says it all. Sorry if I've offended anyone, but just my 2 cents.
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Well said, I couldn't agree more & penning isn't the "TOTAL" answer either. My neighbor has had dogs break into his pen & kill all his girls & his pen is pretty stout, but determined dogs can & WILL do whatever they want especially when in "pack" mode. They may not hurt a flea when alone, but you get them together, ALL bets are off, they resort back. I don't have a dog or dogs, but I do have a 20ga shotgun with #3 & #1 buckshot & a 7mm-08 rifle with me at ALL times & do NOT hesitate to use them if anything comes after my girls. As "Speckled Hen" has stated & has been quoted several times on here; "A DOG ON IT'S OWN PROPERTY IS A PET; A DOG ON SOMEONE ELSE'S PROPERTY IS A PREDATOR" That about says it all. Sorry if I've offended anyone, but just my 2 cents.
I am in total agreement!
Many states have laws regarding dogs that chase and/or kill livestock. I know where I grew up any dog caught chasing or killing livestock (including chickens) had to be put down. I have shot many dogs who were trying to kill my stock and have had to shoot a couple of my own who got loose and chased others livestock.

It is not about being cruel or getting pleasure out of killing a dog. It is about being responsible for the animals under your care and doing the right thing regardless of how you feel.

Hardest thing I ever had to do was to put down my dog for chasing horses. He broke loose from his chain and could have injured my neighbors horses if he had not been stopped. It was either the Sheriff or myself who was going to do it and I figured that I was make sure it was quick and painless for him. I was 15 years old at the time.

It was the responsible thing to do.
Many states have laws regarding dogs that chase and/or kill livestock. I know where I grew up any dog caught chasing or killing livestock (including chickens) had to be put down. I have shot many dogs who were trying to kill my stock and have had to shoot a couple of my own who got loose and chased others livestock.

It is not about being cruel or getting pleasure out of killing a dog. It is about being responsible for the animals under your care and doing the right thing regardless of how you feel.

Hardest thing I ever had to do was to put down my dog for chasing horses. He broke loose from his chain and could have injured my neighbors horses if he had not been stopped. It was either the Sheriff or myself who was going to do it and I figured that I was make sure it was quick and painless for him. I was 15 years old at the time.

It was the responsible thing to do.

Well said!! That's the way it is where I live here in SC. When my flock was attacked by a pack of dogs, I contacted the Sheriff's dept to see what laws were regarding disposing of dogs that attacked livestock, he told me "Here, there ARE leash laws, any dog that comes on your property, SHOOT it & if it has a collar, better yet, call us, we'll go "visit" the owners & they'll get a $300 fine for NOT having their animal under their control & if it has harmed your livestock, they have to pay for any & all damages". Sadly, this is NOT the case everywhere.

I highly commend you for your responsibility at that age. Huge Kudos!!!
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I too am sorry for your loss. Believe I know how you feel. But I'm glad ya got a little bit of vengeance and also prevented any future problems with this particular menace. I wish ya luck rebuilding your flock.
as chicken owners alot of people beleive our only job is to feed water and house them but it is also our job as responsible owners to protect them. for example i hatched out 6 americanas and when they were about 3 mths old i let them start free ranging with my other birds, well about a month later i came home to find my own 6mth old puppy had killed 5 out of the 6 and was trying to get the last one, he didnt eat them just killed them and left them there. at that point i had a choice to make, either take the risk that my other 30 or so birds might meet the same fait or make sure that puppy is not around anymore to do it again. well needless to say the puppy passed away at the young age of 6 mths old of an aparent 22. cal. brain tumer
. to make a long story short if someone is not willing to protect their animals from harm or abuse (by any means necessary) then they should not own animals. now with that being said im sorry for your lose and i know how you feel because ive been there and imo. you acted as a responible chicken owner should
Wow, bilder, that must have been very difficult. Shows great maturity for your young age.

Not so young anymore, but I still hold the same views. Part of keeping animals is being responsible for what they do and taking the necessary actions when required.
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