Dog Proofing a Coop


In the Brooder
Jun 14, 2015
My neighbors dogs have been digging under our privacy fence. They got through once and killed 2 of our chicks that were in a starter coop. Since then we have built a much larger and stronger coop farther away from that side of the fence. I am wondering how to further dog proof it.

When the incident happened, we did call animal control and have called them a second time when I kept discovering holes along the fence line that I had to plug up with rocks. I haven't seen any more holes in the past couple of weeks, and I check every day to make sure that no more appear.

Our chickens are cooped all the time. The coop has wire buried down a little (deepest 3" -the ground around us is very rocky and hard to dig into) and out about a foot. This is covered with rocks, dirt, and on one side a railroad tie. A picture of the front is included below. We used 1/4" hardware cloth that is nailed on with U nails about every 2 inches, and we have put a reinforcement bar along the bottom half of the door. All entrances are securely latched.

What else can we do to make sure that if their dogs get back through the fence while we are at work or away, that they can't get through the coop to the chickens? Our neighbors have said that it won't happen again, but they are quite frankly lazy, and I have little faith in their guarantees. Their dogs are two boxers and a mean yellow lab.

(I have two small kids, so I am not sure about a hot wire. My youngest is 2 and telling her not to touch something is pointless.)

Thanks for your help with this.

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I know one thing for sure, if those dogs had a shock collar on and tried to dig under your fence with buried shock wire at the fence, they would very quickly "unlearn" that bad habit. Perhaps suggest this: Shock collar systems run about $200. A single fine might exceed this.

UPDATE: Here is my reinforced coop. I attached cattle panels to sides with 1 1/2" fence nails (they are shaped like a U). I love how sturdy they are. I have used the left over bits of cattle panels as protection on the bottom of fence. We have also spoken to our neighbor again. We often hear the dogs digging at the bottom of the fence which is infuriating. If our neighbor doesn't stop his dogs from digging at our fence, I will contact Animal Control again. I have also spoken to a good friend who is a lawyer and she told me that we can file a civil suit against the neighbors if we want. I don't know if I want to take it that far....yet. Thanks for everyone's help with this. It is much appreciated!
Shoot the dogs.
Seriously, if your animals are confined and someone's dogs are invading and killing your animals, most states have statutes that allow killing the dogs on sight. If you don't want to kill them, call animal control and by law, it's their responsibility to deal with it. Some animal control people aren't familiar with the law. Ask to speak with the highest ranking supervisor. They'll know the law and that the dogs can, by law, be put down.
It's your neighbor's responsibility to confine their dogs. It's not your responsibility to prevent them from invading your property.
I am not sure about the legality of shooting the dogs. I don't own a gun, and as I live in the city limits, I think there are laws against that, but I am not completely sure. However, if they do come through the fence again, animal control should take the dogs away at that point. Third times a charm!

As far as putting the wire on the bottom of the coop, I am more concerned about the dogs busting through the sides and possible reinforcement there. I think the flared wire should keep the dogs from digging into the coop, but maybe I am wrong here? Has anyone had dogs dig past buried wire into their coop?

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