Dog still having "accidents" in the house

I take her out every hour and after she goes she immediately gets a treat. She gets one for ringing the bell to go potty. She gets one for wiping her paws after coming in. We tried the no bedding in the crate and she just peed on the floor under the crate. She gets told over and over with positive reinforcement what a good girl she is when she pees outside. Ive read soooo many books and soooo many articles on this. Ive learned her anxious peeing is similar to that of a dog peeing because it's excited. The way she is....its just like she forgets we are not jerks. She's very defensive of her urine and can get aggressive if she's afraid. She's such a sweet and smart dog. I just want to help her. I'm trying to be patient but it's almost been a year now
It seems like you have identified the problem well, and taken some successful action. You need to fine tune things to get the results you want. A couple of things to think about:
Food rewards might not be enough now. Some dogs can be motivated by excitement and special toy. [example: carry her fav toy outside with you, get insanely happy when she pees, victory dance back into the house, reward with toy once inside - you know better exactly how to use other rewards if you think it might help]
You've been working at this a while, so you're naturally frustrated, but you've got a perceptive dog. That trait is going to make her a great dog, but right now, when you get the slightest bit frustrated about the pending cleanup job, it triggers her anxiety. You know best how to manage the frustration for you and SO. One day this will just be a funny story. FWIW, I'd try to forget thinking of her as a dog who used to have an idiot owner, and more as a dog who is adjusting to a loving home. You'll get there before you know it.
It seems like you have identified the problem well, and taken some successful action. You need to fine tune things to get the results you want. A couple of things to think about:
Food rewards might not be enough now. Some dogs can be motivated by excitement and special toy. [example: carry her fav toy outside with you, get insanely happy when she pees, victory dance back into the house, reward with toy once inside - you know better exactly how to use other rewards if you think it might help]
You've been working at this a while, so you're naturally frustrated, but you've got a perceptive dog. That trait is going to make her a great dog, but right now, when you get the slightest bit frustrated about the pending cleanup job, it triggers her anxiety. You know best how to manage the frustration for you and SO. One day this will just be a funny story. FWIW, I'd try to forget thinking of her as a dog who used to have an idiot owner, and more as a dog who is adjusting to a loving home. You'll get there before you know it.
Thank you for your kind words :hugs we tried the toy thing but she doesnt like her toys to get dirty. Everytime I bring one outside she just takes it back in
I have a beagle rescued from a puppy mill, potty training was a chore, getting a dog door was magical because she liked to be in charge. This worked for years. We moved 6 months ago to a place with out one and there has been some regression but we have taught her to go outside and potty on command with treats. Now we just have her go outside every few hours, but we both work from home...
A dog door would be nice but expensive because our porch door is sliding glass. Plus we'd want an RFID one because we have a lot of raccoons and possums in the spring. I work from home half the week right now but this new opportunity might change things :idunno
......part of the potty issue might be caused by her not being fully recovered from heartworm yet.

My coon hound mix that swallowed a rock and literally almost died the first week of November has had occasional accidents now. She is still not fully recovered.

I do not scold or even acknowledge the accident. I take her out and clean it up.
Sometimes it is just part of keeping a pet.
A dog door would be nice but expensive because our porch door is sliding glass. Plus we'd want an RFID one because we have a lot of raccoons and possums in the spring. I work from home half the week right now but this new opportunity might change things :idunno
We had an insert dog door for our sliding glass door, I can’t remember how much we paid but I don’t think it was super expensive, but when we remodeled we just cut a hole in the side of the house and built some steps. Home Depot had the sliding glass door insert
Unfortunately she is in the middle of treatment for heartworm so exercise is NOT an option. Once it has been confirmed that the treatment was successful she can go back to an exercise regimen...6 months from now with a negative blood test. We plan to walk her twice daily (1-2 miles a day). Right now it's just not possible.

Edit: And yes, she is a border collie mix
Oops sorry, I knew that, about the treatment and forgot.
I don't feel as if I'm "coddling" her. I also don't feel that if you simply ignore something happening that it will stop. The point is to replace the unwanted behavior with the more appropriate behavior by providing positive stimuli to the desired behavior. Simply put, one behavior is rewarded, the other is ignored until the correct behavior is exhibited. I'm not at all saying öh poor baby you were abused so have a fruit roll up even though you peed on everything I love" I'm not a door mat:gig
Possibly NOT but just let her be a dog..

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