Dog walker gone wild.

If you don't report this you might have a problem later on. You need to call animal control and report the nuisance dog! Don't let some jerk intimidate you for her dog killing your animals. Next step is to sue her butt for damages. She won't learn if she isn't taught a lesson! Her dog could injure someone's dog next or a child and though that probably won't be the case, as labs are notorious for being bird dogs, it's important that animal owners can handle their animals.
Definately keep us updated! I hope this woman has to pay you for your losses and comes to realize (if she doesn't already) that she's in the wrong here. People should not have animals they can't control! I have a giant black lab mix. I love him to death so I keep him safe. He knows to obey his human pack members. He stays within our fenced in yard. He wanders out in the yard with my chickens without giving them a second glance. When we go for walks he may get excited and want to run after other dogs/joggers/animals but at a word from me he calms down. Irresponsible dog owners like that woman make the rest of us look bad!
I would file charges immediately. The nerve of that b atch - her dog severely abused/killed your chickens and she did nothing to stop him. She is certainly calling your bluff and such a spoiled brat she thinks everyone owes her something.

I'm subscribing to this thread, I have to know that she gets her just reward - hopefully very soon!!
I really hope you called the police! I've been attacked by dogs when I was a runner and I called the police when my running partner and I were bitten. We use pepper spray with tear gas and spray any dog that comes near us! It's beyond frusteraring not being able to run/walk with dogs attacking! Plus, it's very scary.

You had every right to put your hands on that dog! You have every right to be compensated for any losses! She threatened you because she is most likely going to get fined! Also, she may have to get rid of her dog. It's going to happen again if you let it go, please call and file.
Hey everyone:

Thank you ALL so MUCH for your support. Well here is the update many of yall have asked for--

I have a good friend at town hall who's on the board of selectmen, I worked on her campaign in 2009. I gave her a call today and told her what happened, so this morning she joined me with a police escort. We road up to my neighbors house, and not gonna lie I felt so cool lol, like the President of something.

When confronted first she didn't answer the door but eventually the sheriff coaxed her too it. He read off a list of charges that could be filled against her and she immediately just asked for a price to pay. Since she was so rude, I charged $400 for the loss of 2 ducks, 3 goslings, and a damaged SQ rooster. She gave a huff and a puff, signed a big fat check and handed it over.

I had the choice to request the quarantine of her dog, but decided against it since he is a retriever and thats what he was bred to do, dogs will be dogs. Owners should be the ones accountable.

Satisfying end for poultry!
That is SO awesome!!! Good for you!! I think you handled it perfectly! If anything like that ever happens to me I hope it handle it as well. Wishing a fast recovery to your SQ roo!
Way to stand up for your rights.
It's nice when it works out like that.

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