Dogs running lose

If you're out WITH your dog IN THE COUNTRY they can roam around your property, or the area where you are- but to just come and go through the vast land as they wish.... no. Thats just irresponsible on many MANY levels.
We keep our dogs in with a 6ft wooden fence/block wall around our property. We have a small piece of property though so that kind of fencing is feasible for us.
Our yard is fenced right now with livestock panels and wooden posts. We are hoping to be able to get it re-done with a chainlink fence soon. Our yard is an acre, though our farm is 80 acres, the yard is plenty big enough for them. We do not take them out of the fenced yard to anywhere on the farm without leashes.
we have 6 ft deer fencing, it was cheap, and easy, its not incredibly strong, but its a great deterent, but our dogs dont spend much time outside ALONE anyway, 2 of them are under 5lbs and small enough to be taken by a hawk...
i also cant leave either of the nekkid ones (cresties) out alone as both can dig to china, plus there excelent climbers and can climb trees straight up...
so they are out only supervised...

once i get my own place ill be setting up a large "roofed" and "floored" pen (like a chicken run) off the back of the house so they can come and go during the day as they wish without worry of 1: them climbing out 2: them digging out and 3: large birds or other predators attacking.
I too have a neighbor who lets their dogs roam free, and they always end up in other peoples yards including mine, they are very destructive, they tear up our flower beds, harass the birds at the feeders, chase the rabbits, stand right by our house and bark in the very early morning hours, in the winter they take a dump right in the middle of our driveway all the time, and we don't have any dogs so I know who it's from.
we've complained and it would stop for a couple of months then it starts up again, it is so aggravating. It seems to me there is supose to be a Leash law both in the country and the citys and towns, but they seem to think they are above that, they always tell the police officers that the dogs run out the door when he answers it! ya right!
Any Ideas as to how to convince them that they shouldn't.
Has anyone used a high line like thing where you tye a dog to a line above his head. do you get what I mean.
You are talking the overhead tie out right? Yes I have used them. Problem is my 25 lb Beagle snapped the line on his last one. It was suppose to be for dogs up to 100 lbs. Would have been better to make our own with guide wire.
My dogs do go out front with us, but they are all under voice control and if they break the rules the Lunge Whip encourages them to obey, the sound alone from that whip lets them know they screwed up(No, I do not whip my dogs!). The Worse mine do is go outside the fence to potty but they are still on our property. Our Back Yard is fenced and they are either there or in the house 90% of the time. Neighbors across the road have a Lab, Pit Bull and mixed breed, they roam all over, they no longer come in my yard, and honestly if I could get my hands on them they would find somewhere else to live. Everyone else around here keeps their dogs up, but not these 3.
The neighbor next door has 3 cats that they suddenly decided did not need to live inside anymore, 2 are obviously kittens of the older one, As soon as I can catch them, they are going to the pound. They always come to my barn to mouse, which I do not mind, but if my dogs get a hold of them, it will end badly for the cats.
underground electric fence works just fine. the only problem is that other dogs can come onto your property, but at least your dog won't leave it unless it is so driven to get out it will run through and take the shock.

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