
Retrieve you game cameras from out in the woods. I think in a lot of states the law specifically allows a livestock owner to kill a dog found running loose after a previous episode of harassing the livestock, as long as the dog's owner was notified about the earlier incident.
Just remember, there are some really sick people out there. They may say they understand just to keep all quiet for now. But that may change if you kill one of their dogs. You have every right to do so.
I had same thing happen years ago in Texas. Only it was a 5 month old colt the dogs attacked and had to be put down. I loaded my 410 with rock salt, and next time dogs showed up, I peppered their butts. It stings for a long time but will not kill. They never showed up again. Good luck
Some states have rules about shooting a loose dog doing livestock damage. The only person here in Michigan allowed that process is a sheriff deputy/DNR officer.
You can go to jail or pay a fine or both if you take that action.
Know the laws first then proceed accordingly.
Most states have laws about it. The problem is they didn't report the first attack and allow the sheriff to make a report the day it happened. Let the sheriff come out and take pictures of the carnage. They cleaned up the mess and complained to the dog's owners. If you can't tell I've played this game of ping pong before.
They shoot the dogs now even if the owners agreed, the owners find out they will press charges. Small town rules yeah they will be shunned.
As much as I hate getting police involved, even if I call them it normally takes 2-3 hours before they show up. The point of having it on record is because the local courts want to throw it out. Not anything the count can make money on and thats all small town courts worry about.
They just let it go and complain to the dog's owners, tell them to contain their animals. A. the dog's owners could have called the sheriff and made a report they were harassing. B. they were the first to make a report. Most courts in the US are gonna only look at who complained first.
The judge aint gonna give a rats arse about birds or dogs. Just gonna look at who made the first report and if it the outcome gonna make the town/city/county/state money.

So far they spitting in the wind hoping the wife holds up or if she was just over there looking around hoping they cleaned up. I'd sure knowing small town politics (my dad is a township constable) if they been there long enough they already know if a complaint was made or not.
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We did file a report the morning after the incident. We offered the dog owners a way to settle out of court, but they refused and now they’re going to learn how much our chickens are worth. We’ve been in contact with the sheriff’s department and we have all the evidence we need to prove it was their dogs.

Like I said before, it was nearly dark out when the attack happened. We couldn’t leave dead chickens out or it would attract coyotes. I did take photos of all of the feathers on the ground and the injuries on the one that got away.
Happend to me a 4weeks ago and 2 months ago first time the husky killed 3 and injured 4, I charged 150$ he gave me 200 cause he felt bad, same owner different husky, I wasn't so lenient this time, $300 for 3 dead and 4 very minorly injured, killed a hen I got to walk again after 2 weeks of therapy, It could waddle but not run like the rest. I really connected with that chicken and the fact that the dog killed a chicken that couldn't even run. I had to put her down because her neck was broken, now I'm having to live with myself because I should have given her a chance but I was afraid she was in pain. And guess what happened 4 days ago, dog got loose again, owner texted us and told us to watch our chickens, my dad got out the pistol his pistol and I sat on the deck with the shotgun, that is why they had to pay so much because now everyday I worry about my chickens, they got rid of that husky on Monday, but they still have the original one, It was in the cooper for 10 min the first time while we were at the feed store and in the cooo for 2 minutes or less the second time, we had s roomba running and our AC on and couldn't hear a thing, luckily a neighbor heard the ruckus and beat the dog with a metal pole.
We’re still in the process of building our case, but I’ve been researching Oregon laws on the matter and because they dogs killed chickens they will either have to rehome the dogs to somewhere were they will not be a threat to livestock or the dogs will be killed. Either way I’d be satisfied.
My only suggestion is if you have to shoot a dog make sure it's a good enough shot to drop it in it's tracks. You wound it and it runs home they will most likely hang you out to dry and all the nut case animal right organizations will side with them. Should have called the cops and had a report made before you ever touched anything. Made them come out and document all the damages so it was on record. Now it's just your word against theirs. Since they seem to have been there longer and a local business owner it's not gonna be in your favor.

Once it's shot bury it and don't tell anybody.
I agree. If you shoot it. Drop it and dispose of it immediately and remove any trace of it. It is better sight unseen. Let them wonder about where their dog went and what happened to it. Not about who did it.

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