
Happend to me a 4weeks ago and 2 months ago first time the husky killed 3 and injured 4, I charged 150$ he gave me 200 cause he felt bad, same owner different husky, I wasn't so lenient this time, $300 for 3 dead and 4 very minorly injured, killed a hen I got to walk again after 2 weeks of therapy, It could waddle but not run like the rest. I really connected with that chicken and the fact that the dog killed a chicken that couldn't even run. I had to put her down because her neck was broken, now I'm having to live with myself because I should have given her a chance but I was afraid she was in pain. And guess what happened 4 days ago, dog got loose again, owner texted us and told us to watch our chickens, my dad got out the pistol his pistol and I sat on the deck with the shotgun, that is why they had to pay so much because now everyday I worry about my chickens, they got rid of that husky on Monday, but they still have the original one, It was in the cooper for 10 min the first time while we were at the feed store and in the cooo for 2 minutes or less the second time, we had s roomba running and our AC on and couldn't hear a thing, luckily a neighbor heard the ruckus and beat the dog with a metal pole.
OMG! This is terrible! I am so sorry this happened to your birds and you. I have owned a husky before and understand how these dogs think and work. They are killers of anything smaller than them. They are almost like the wolves that they are bred from way back. They will kill any rodent they can catch in a heartbeat. They will also kill cats of course of any size or type including a bobcat if they can get to it. They will also kill any small dog if it runs from them such as Feist or Chihuahuas etc. it’s best if they don’t run from one because that just makes their drive kick in more. The fact that this dog knows you have birds over there he or she especially a he will not give up until you remove the birds or until the dog is removed. They do not forget. He can hear or smell the birds for sure. I know. My dog did all these things including running cattle in the neighbors pasture across the road from me. He also cracked one of my front teeth. The main big ones on top with his head from jumping up to knock me down playing. He was that rough and rowdy. He saved my life also one time when two other dogs attacked us when we were out walking. I had him on leash and my golden retriever and yellow lab/pit bulldog mix were off leash. We lived out in the country and I had to keep the husky on leash so he wouldn’t run off and chase cows. But we were attacked by a Great Dane and a black lab who were abandoned by a family that moved away and left their dogs behind. My two other dogs got scared and high tailed it for home when these dogs lit in on us and my husky thankfully protected me and he took some bites but I let him off leash and he put them in the road thank God and he stayed by my side that day and was a great dog to me. They are wild though in most ways.
OMG! This is terrible! I am so sorry this happened to your birds and you. I have owned a husky before and understand how these dogs think and work. They are killers of anything smaller than them. They are almost like the wolves that they are bred from way back. They will kill any rodent they can catch in a heartbeat. They will also kill cats of course of any size or type including a bobcat if they can get to it. They will also kill any small dog if it runs from them such as Feist or Chihuahuas etc. it’s best if they don’t run from one because that just makes their drive kick in more. The fact that this dog knows you have birds over there he or she especially a he will not give up until you remove the birds or until the dog is removed. They do not forget. He can hear or smell the birds for sure. I know. My dog did all these things including running cattle in the neighbors pasture across the road from me. He also cracked one of my front teeth. The main big ones on top with his head from jumping up to knock me down playing. He was that rough and rowdy. He saved my life also one time when two other dogs attacked us when we were out walking. I had him on leash and my golden retriever and yellow lab/pit bulldog mix were off leash. We lived out in the country and I had to keep the husky on leash so he wouldn’t run off and chase cows. But we were attacked by a Great Dane and a black lab who were abandoned by a family that moved away and left their dogs behind. My two other dogs got scared and high tailed it for home when these dogs lit in on us and my husky thankfully protected me and he took some bites but I let him off leash and he put them in the road thank God and he stayed by my side that day and was a great dog to me. They are wild though in most ways.
Yep I believe everything you said, doesn't help that then never walk them, they shouldn't own high energy dogs that they can't contain. The first attack it ran through the invisible electric fence because they thought one week of training would be enough. The second time their 2 year old let it off their deck. If it was the same dog the second time it would have been shot, but it wasn't so I dident know who owned it till she ran over. Kind of wish they had gotten rid of the original attacker because my mom and sister wouldn't let me beat it. Second time the lady let it out to take it home and it got away from her and was in the woods for an hour, our house was in between the woods and the owners home so running back through are yard was the easiest rout back, we let our dog loose on it who is a husky collie mutt beat the living **** out of it while I hit it with a leash clasp, he ran back home sore with his tail between his legs. That's why he dident come back into the yard the second time he got loose. After 20 seconds of fighting our dog he submitted, he can kill chickens but couldn't stand his ground or fight at all, what a joke. Don't mean to hijack OP just needed to vent my rage:mad: lol.
The injured hen is doing a lot better today. She still has a lot of healing to do, but she had more energy today and was out with the others most of the day and is eating and drinking normally again. I can tell she’s not a fan of having her wounds sprayed so she gets extra mealworms for being good about it.
I higher protein diet will help her heal and grow feathers back, I broke down and decided to buy the flock raiser 20% protein, fed to the hole flock for 2 weeks and fed to the injured ones until healed, at my feed store is 14$ for a 40lb bag though :hmm, don't know if it helped but I know I was doing my best to help them, might to be available in your area. Just trying to help out, I know the good people on here sure did help me good luck!
Yep I believe everything you said, doesn't help that then never walk them, they shouldn't own high energy dogs that they can't contain. The first attack it ran through the invisible electric fence because they thought one week of training would be enough. The second time their 2 year old let it off their deck. If it was the same dog the second time it would have been shot, but it wasn't so I dident know who owned it till she ran over. Kind of wish they had gotten rid of the original attacker because my mom and sister wouldn't let me beat it. Second time the lady let it out to take it home and it got away from her and was in the woods for an hour, our house was in between the woods and the owners home so running back through are yard was the easiest rout back, we let our dog loose on it who is a husky collie mutt beat the living **** out of it while I hit it with a leash clasp, he ran back home sore with his tail between his legs. That's why he dident come back into the yard the second time he got loose. After 20 seconds of fighting our dog he submitted, he can kill chickens but couldn't stand his ground or fight at all, what a joke. Don't mean to hijack OP just needed to vent my rage:mad: lol.

Well, to be fair, chickens are prey, and he's not fighting them. Fighting another dog is way different than killing prey. Not a fan that it was beat with a metal pole either from the first post
I higher protein diet will help her heal and grow feathers back, I broke down and decided to buy the flock raiser 20% protein, fed to the hole flock for 2 weeks and fed to the injured ones until healed, at my feed store is 14$ for a 40lb bag though :hmm, don't know if it helped but I know I was doing my best to help them, might to be available in your area. Just trying to help out, I know the good people on here sure did help me good luck!
I have grower feed that I believe has a higher protein content than the layer feed, I just switched the pullets off of it but I can leave some out for a little longer if it helps.
Well, to be fair, chickens are prey, and he's not fighting them. Fighting another dog is way different than killing prey. Not a fan that it was beat with a metal pole either from the first post
Over exadurated he wasn't beat my 60-70 year old neighbor hit him once or twice while he was still chasing them, dog dident have and bite marks, broken bones, or internal damage, unlike my chickens, the beating is probably why he dident come back the next time, I just found it funny that he could kill and maim my chickens but when faced with someone his own size he submisses with little fighting, my dog disowned him and he sat down while my dog barked then he walked around towards the chicken run to go around my dog to get home I hit him with the leash clasp so he knew not to go by the run again. None of the dog bites went through his skin, my dog just kind of takled him and they through heads. Not a fight that was my dog submissing him just like in the wild. Getting in a beating is better than getting shot.

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