Doing a Necropsy STARTING NOW (Smudge, Cornish X) Edit: Got histopathology results

I'm trying to learn myself - the pictures I'm finding vary quite a lot, but resemble you own more than some of the other diseases I'm running across.

Only thing is that most of the LLL pictures show the white nodules bulging from the liver surface, yours don't appear to. Then there's this. Which shows LOTS of LLL bursas, essentially overwhelming the liver but a few large white spots as Marek's - and your photo doesn't match either.

complicated read... I will try to find another source of info

Check out the symptom list at this site. Seems like it is similar to what you described in the emergency thread.

I have no expierence with lymphoid leukosis and am just doing internet research.
Just Read through this link. The symptoms do sound very similar. At this point I’m hoping it’s lymph node leukosis rather than Merrick’s. I might see if I can run a test through the state lab to determine. I have plenty of friends with flocks and don’t want to expose them to the disease.
I believe that leukosis tumors do not show up until around 14 weeks and older. Tagging @azygous and @casportpony for any opinions on the liver necropsy pictures.
That's consistent with what i've read. I didn't check to see how old the bird was, but they are supposedly bursas - meaning filled with liquid, and that doesn't seem to be the case when Weeg bisected one.
Check the brain?

I believe it's still vitamin related. Just read that Vitamin E is stored at higher concentrations in the liver.

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