Dominique/Easter Egger mix. Is she a Roo?


7 Years
Apr 12, 2013
Fair Oaks, CA
This baby was hatched out about 6 weeks ago and we are starting to worry that she is a Rooster. She looks like a girl and acts like a girl (dominant pecking behaviour ) but her vocalizations seem male. What do you think?

Here she is with a Welsummer that we are almost positive is a Roo.
Then your barred chick is a roo because the barred hen(Dominique in this case) can only pass the barring gene to her male offspring.... your chick is technically a black sex link roo.

Ruh Ro! Oh noo. Thanks so much for telling me. I don't have enough hens to support another rooster so I'll have to find him a home or something...
Not sure why you say only the hen can pass the barring gene. I have two chicks both barred from the same comb. but the dom. was the rooster and the hen was the EE and both chicks are pullets

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