Dont laugh-Any TSC employees out there/Privett Hatcheries/Pullets??


8 Years
Feb 26, 2011
Benton, LA
I know you long-time chicken experts get a kick out of us beginner TSC chick purchasers asking questions...but if you can answer this it will be helpful. I have called my local TSC and Privett...and still no answer.

I have determined my chicks that I purchased at TSC were from Privett. They were in a bin marked Pullets and they were all yellow. Other bins that day were marked red pullets and assorted these chicks were not mixed up in bins...they were clearly with other like chicks.

What I need to know is what type of yellow chicks TSC typically gets from Privett. Privett customer service would only tell me assorted...but they were dont you think they would know the breed? Why would they pay a chicken sexer big bucks to sex a chicken who wont live long enough to lay eggs? Are the meat qualities different between roo and hen?

My concern is that we got broilers and these are going to be for eggs/ we DONT want to cull them at 12 weeks. I dont want to eat any of my chickens ever:)

Sooooo...if these are big fattie meat birds...when will I see a noticeable difference over the other chicks of the same age(dominiques and red production or rir's-privett couldnt tell me what the red pullets were either...just that they were def not meat birds). Right now at about 2 weeks they seem relatively similar. Will they grow mega-fast...or will it just be a gradual increase in size over the other breeds? Other suggestions were leghorns, and cornish rocks... if these are cornish cross meat birds...can I tell by the combs or anything?

I think it boils down to waiting it out to see if they have a major growth spurt.

Lesson learned is dont buy yellow chicks from TSC because they are the true Mystery Breed:)
Do you have pics of the chicks?

If they're meaties you'll be able to tell in the first couple of weeks.

Just because they're yellow doesn't mean they're meaties... could be any white bird.

Could you post picks of the chicks? I'm not familiar with TSC but if you post your pics in the what breed or gender area of the forum someone should be able to tell you what they are. Good Luck!

here they are at a couple of days old with the red pullets we also purchased at TSC.

Georgialee-where are you located? Did your TSC also get theirs from Privett Hatcheries? The local TSCs here also use Mt Healthy and one other supplier...but these came from Privett. Their next shipments will be from the other hatcheries. I was told this year that they were able to order from more than one hatchery this year unlike in year past where they were contracted with just one.
I have meaties brooding with my layer chicks right now. They are all 3 weeks old. There is absolutely no mistaking which ones are the meat birds. They are huge! I'm thinking today might be the day when they're all separated, but they have all been doing well together.
Too young to check this yet, but if they develop white earlobes, leghorns; if red, white rocks. At least those are the most likely. If any have combs other than single, ask again.
I order from Privett all the time for my feed store, those look to be production reds / gold sexlinks and white leghorn chicks. I've been happy with all I've gotten from them. Shame on TSC for not paying more attention and for not caring. Makes good sense to find a small, locally owned feed store that does care and patronize them!
its all about the legs, can you post a pic of the legs? if they are meaties, they will have tree trunk legs even from an early age.

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