D'uccle Thread

Anyone in or near Wisconsin interested in this roo? I love him, but he is at war with my cochin roo and it's not fair to keep one of them locked up constantly. He does have wattles though, not huge, but they're there......
d'Uccles are usually very good with new chicks. I almost always leave the smallest chick from a batch in the 'newborn' brooder when a new batch hatches, to teach the babies how to find food & water.
But I think Waffles has an ulterior motive; If the stink eye and comb are an indication, Waffles is raising his future flock..... Male d'Uccles can be just as nurturing as the mamas, depending on their personality.
Really, you think? I'm sticking with pullet. From all the pics I've seen of D'uccles her age she is one sorry cockerel if that's the case. lol Here are some pics of her today at 5 1/2 weeks old.

Here are my 2 incubator hatched D'Uccles! They are offspring of a mille roo and a porcelain hen. One is pretty dark brown, are they both milles, or do I have something weird?

OOOOHHHHH those babies are cute! I don't know what they will look like but I think they will be adorable.
I recently discovered my bantam I picked out of the assorted bin is a d'uccle. She is 5 weeks old now and originally lived with her "sisters" until I couldn't resist and brought home 2 more d'uccle chicks and an ISA and Black Australorp. Since Waffles is soooo much smaller than her original flock of 5 weeks I wondered what she'd do with the newborns. Not only did she love them right away, she thinks she is their mama! She was 4 weeks when I put her in with the one day olds. She tucks them under her wings, flaps at the older chicks when they get near "her babies" and makes calling noises when the babies get too far away. Now, I've never had chickens before but isn't that a little crazy that she's so young and so instinctively "mama-ish"? She's so super sweet too. Loves to sleep in your sweatshirt or a little blanket. haha I still put her back with the big girls and I let them all free-range together under supervision. So far the older girls couldn't care less about the babies so I think they'll all be fine when I integrate everyone when it's time to put everyone outside in the coop..

Waffles as a one day old.

Waffles at one week with a one day old EE.

Snuggling with mama @ about 3 weeks old

THis was about 3 min after I put her in with the babies.

The babies are in looooove.

This is a very common scene...Waffles with babies under her wings and one on her back. haha

Can you find the baby d'uccles?

Waffles looks just like all my broody hens raising chicks! The 'mama force' is strong within 'her'!

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